
乐活   壁纸头像   2024-10-21 00:02   云南  


【独家 高质】



公主的故事总有一个完美的结局,但我每次都在想:“故事的作者是不是没经历过我这样的日常?”Princess stories always have a perfect ending, but I can’t help but wonder, “Has the author ever experienced a day in my life?”

公主的生活总是完美无瑕,结果我在镜子前发现自己像个刚从战斗回来的士兵,头发乱得像打仗一样。Princess life always seems perfect, but when I look in the mirror, I realize I look like a soldier just returned from battle, hair a complete mess.

公主总是有动物朋友;我试着和我的狗狗聊天,但它似乎一直在想:“你在说什么?”我只关心零食。””Princesses always have animal friends; I’ve tried chatting with my dog, but all it seems to think is, “What are you saying? I only care about snacks.”

每当我想当公主时,总有人提醒我:“你得会打扮。”我只能回:“等我学会穿高跟鞋,再来谈这个。”Every time I think about becoming a princess, someone reminds me, “You need to know how to dress.” I can only reply, “Let me master high heels first, then we’ll talk.”

每次公主遇到麻烦,都会有王子出现拯救,但我遇到问题时,手机才是我的王子,总是发出“请稍后”的声音。Whenever a princess is in trouble, a prince appears to save the day, but when I have problems, my phone is my prince, always saying, “Please hold.”

公主总能找到真爱,但我每次约会都像在参加一场“恶作剧比赛”,结果总是被困在情感的城堡里。Princesses always find true love, but every time I go on a date, it feels like I’m in a “prank competition,” ending up trapped in an emotional castle.


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