视频来自:You can see ATC
Iberia 这个词不怎么熟,伊比利亚火腿倒是吃过几次
IBE6118: Yes, we`re had a problem with a windshield. And we request to maintain 10,000 feet and make a holding pattern in any place. Just... We`ll call you just with our intentions.
但是如果有机组申请了 10000 英尺这个高度,你就要留个心眼了
10000 英尺是座舱失压以后飞机能保持的最高高度,再高就可能发生缺氧了,所以这里机组申请的 10000 英尺并不是随意说了一个高度
IBE6118: Anyway will be fine for us a holding pattern just for the RW 08R or RW 12 because maybe we will have to return to Miami. Anyway, I`ll call you back shortly just to confirm it.
第一个“anyway”是字幕的一个小失误,应该是 anywhere
IBE6118: Yes, we request a point to do a holding pattern.
IBE6118: Yes, we confirm that we`ll return if possible to 08R.
DEP: Roger and what is the reason for the return again ?
IBE6118: Yes, we have windshield with cracking.
IBE6118: It`s just to get a long final to... our configuration. Now no... no... declare an emergency, thank you.
有一个地方字幕没有给出来,我听着像是 configure our configuration,看着比较奇怪,但是语法没问题,configure 就是 set up 的意思
That`s all for today
Stay tuned for my next episode