视频来自:You can see ATC
JBU988: MAYDAY-MAYDAY-MAYDAY... MAYDAY, JetBlue 988, we have an electronic fire in the forward part of the cabin. We’d like to get down immediately.(求救,求救,求救... 求救,JetBlue 988,我们在机舱前部有电子火情。我们希望立即降落)美国飞行员用这么标准的三遍 MAYDAY 宣布紧急情况还是挺少见的,经常就是"declare an emergency"
APP: JetBlue 988, roger, descend and maintain 2000. How long till you’re ready for that base turn? (JetBlue 988,收到,下降并保持2000英尺。还有多久可以三转弯?)
APP: JetBlue 988, base at your discretion, turn right heading 240. (JetBlue 988,三转弯自行决定,向右转航向240)管制员对空中失火的处置是有一定理解的,知道飞行员短暂的做准备之后需要马上返航,故障一类的,哪怕是单发失效,都可以慢悠悠的做完检查单再回来,但是火情不等人,极端的情况下十几分钟飞机就烧没了
APP: JetBlue 988, last question, is the fire contained or is it still active?(JetBlue 988,最后一个问题,火势是否已得到控制还是仍在燃烧?)
JBU988: We think it’s contained. We think it’s a cell phone but we believe it’s contained, JetBlue 988.(我们认为已经控制住了。我们认为是手机,但我们相信火情已经得到控制,JetBlue 988)
JBU988: Tower, JetBlue 988, we’re gonna turn off and then figure out what’s going on in the back.(塔台,JetBlue 988,我们将转向,然后了解后面的情况)飞机落地以后除了有故障无法自己脱离,飞行员一般都是会把跑道让出来的,减小对机场运行的影响
JBU988: Alright, we’re gonna bring it to a stop, we’ll hold short of F and with them we’re gonna find out with the flight attendants what’s going on in the back.(好的,我们会停下来,在 F 外等待,并和空乘人员一起了解后面的情况)
JBU988: The cell phone fire in the back, they have contained that fire. They put it in a trash can and covered it with water. They say the fire is out. There’s no heat. And the airplane’s okay. There’s just a halon residue in the cabin.(后面有手机起火,他们已经控制住了火势。他们把它放在垃圾桶里并浇上水。他们说火已经灭了。没有热量。飞机没事。机舱里只有一些卤代烷的残留物)锂电池的燃烧非常迅速并且会有很浓烈的烟雾,机组所说的残留物应该就是还弥漫在客舱里的烟Stay tuned for my next episode