2024-10-29 16:48
到四川留学,怎能不来一趟乐山?如果要问这位来自印度尼西亚的留学生Ata到了乐山后印象最深的是什么,那她一定会情不自禁地笑着回答:“子莫格尼(彝语:吉祥如意)。”Studying in Sichuan, how could one not take a trip to Leshan? If you were to ask Ata, an international student from Indonesia, what impressed her most upon arriving in Leshan, she would surely smile and reply, "Zimogeni" (in Yi language: auspicious and harmonious).提前做足攻略的她先是迫不及待地前往乐山市中心的张公桥好吃街以及上中顺商业街,尽情体验了一把乐山嘉州一菜一格、百菜百味的盛宴。钵钵鸡、甜皮鸭、咔咔饼、豆腐脑……各色菜品争先恐后地刺激着味蕾,Ata不禁直呼:“这里简直就是美食之都!酸甜麻辣应有尽有!”She first headed to the Zhanggongqiao Food Street and Shangzhongshun Commercial Street in downtown Leshan, fully immersing herself in the rich culinary feast of Leshan's unique flavors. Ata couldn’t help but exclaim, “This is really a food paradise! It has everything: sweet, sour, spicy, and numbing!”当然,乐山的旅游实力可不能被美食给掩盖,在这里还有被称作“小凉山”的宝藏彝文化县城——峨边。峨边在彝语中称“佳支依达”,意为“丝绸之河”,地处峨眉山之麓、大渡河之滨。Ata到达峨边那天,这座小城的宁静被载歌载舞的欢闹打破,今年刚好是峨边彝族自治县成立40周年,而Ata这个外乡人也被热情地邀请到了庆祝活动中来,共同见证40年来当地的发展和感受彝乡的独特魅力。Of course, Leshan's tourism appeal isn't just about food; it also boasts a hidden gem of Yi culture —Ebian. In Yi language, Ebian is called “Jiazhiyida,” meaning “Silk River,” and it lies at the foot of Emei Mountain, by the banks of the Dadu River. On the day Ata arrived, the tranquility of this small town nestled by mountains and water was enlivened by spirited singing and dancing. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of Ebian Yi Autonomous County, and Ata, as an outsider, was warmly invited to the celebration to witness the development over the past 40 years and experience the unique charm of the county.那么Ata究竟是经历了什么才深深记住了这一句“子莫格尼”?她还探索了乐山哪些好玩有趣的地方?跟随本期Ata的Vlog,一同开启一段难忘的乐山之旅吧!So, what made Ata impressed by the phrase “Zimogeni”? What other fun and interesting places did she explore in Leshan? Join us in this episode of Ata's Vlog as we embark on an unforgettable journey through the wonders of Leshan!制片人:李鹏 钟莉;本期监制:李旭 邓翔沣;栏目统筹:庞琪 汤晨;编导:谭怡心;视频:刘渊浩