Lidong(beginning of winter) is the 19th of the 24 solar terms and marks the beginning of winter. According to the ancient classic, "Li means to establish; Dong means the end. Everything begins to store up." Lidong signifies the time when vitality starts to retreat, and all living things enter a dormant state.
In ancient society, Lidong was one of the "Four Seasons and Eight Festivals," making it a very important day. In certain regions of China, there are customs such as ancestor worship and feasting. There are agricultural proverbs that say: "If heavy fog begins on Lidong, it will be a good time for winter crops," and "Lidong to the time to prepare for winter, fill the empty mouth," suggesting that this is a time for replenishing one’s energy for the cold winter months.
The first period: Water begins to freeze. The second period: A light frost begins to appear quietly on the moist ground.The third period: The pheasants disappear and shellfish, such as clams, breed in large numbers.
24 solar terms
—E N D—
编辑:戈丹、 刘芷妤(实习)