寒露已过,被誉为“童话世界”的九寨沟,正以其独特的秋日魅力,迎接每一位来访者。在这个季节里,大自然仿佛一位技艺高超的画家,用金黄、深红、橙色等色彩,将九寨沟的山林妆点得如诗如画。当这些色彩交织在一起,自然的斑斓构建起了一个仿佛只存在于梦里的空间。 Jiuzhaigou, known as a "fairy tale world," is welcoming every visitor with its unique autumn charm. In autumn, nature seems like a masterful painter, adorning the mountains and forests with golden, deep red, and orange hues, creating a poetic and picturesque scene. 在这里,你可以放慢脚步,让思绪恣意狂奔,在宁静与和谐中感受秋天的美丽与魅力。让我们一起走进九寨沟,感受那一叶知秋的神奇,体验这一场属于秋天的童话之旅。 Here, you can slow down your steps and let your thoughts run wild, and experience the beauty and allure of autumn in the tranquility and harmony of the surroundings. In this episode of “Inspiration”, let’s step into Jiuzhaigou together, marvel at the magic of autumn revealed in a single leaf, and embark on this fairy-tale journey of the season.