霜降 | 一朝秋暮露成霜

文摘   2024-10-23 23:11   四川  


Frost's Descent

秋已暮,露成霜。霜降是二十四节气中的第十八个节气,也是秋季最后一个节气,这意味着冬天即将开始。《月令七十二候集解》云:“ 九月中, 气肃而凝, 露结为霜矣。”霜降时节气温持续降低,水蒸气凝华成霜,于清晨降落;黄叶随风飘零,生物潜伏敛藏,大地逐渐走向静谧。

Frost's Descent, or "Shuangjiang," is the eighteenth of the twenty-four solar terms and marks the last solar term of autumn, indicating that winter is about to begin. According to the "Monthly Calendar of Seventy-Two Phenomena," it states: "In the middle of the ninth month, the air becomes clear and condensed, and dew turns to frost." During this time, temperatures continue to drop, causing water vapor to crystallize into frost that falls in the early morning. Yellow leaves drift in the wind, living beings retreat and hide, and the earth gradually descends into tranquility.

Frost's Descent

╱ 霜降三候 ╱


1. The first phenomenon is "The wolves begin to hunt," indicating that wolves start capturing prey to store food for the winter.

2. The second phenomenon is "The grass and trees turn yellow and fall," where leaves begin to wither and drop, creating a desolate scene in nature.

3. The third phenomenon is "Hibernating insects are all in their burrows," meaning that animals preparing for hibernation retreat into their dens, remaining still and unfed as they get ready for the winter sleep.

╱ 霜降民俗 ╱


Key customs during this solar term include admiring chrysanthemums, eating persimmons, and taking nutritional supplements. At this time, health maintenance is especially important, as a popular saying goes, "A year’s worth of nourishment can't compare to that of Frost's Descent," highlighting the significance of this period for people’s well-being.


        24 solar terms              



—E N D—



