
民生   其他   2023-09-12 14:40   新西兰  
Welcome to the NZ Consulate in Shanghai’s monthly wrap up of the Consulate’s activities and events from Shanghai and the provinces of Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Anhui.

On behalf of the Consulate, Erina Okeroa was proud to co-host FIFA Women’s World Cup Soccer match screenings with the Australian Consulate-General in Shanghai.

艾乐领事(Erina Okeroa)代表新西兰驻上海总领事馆很荣幸能够与澳大利亚驻上海总领事馆共同主办国际足联女足世界杯比赛的观赛活动。

Our Consul-General, Ardi Barnard, had a productive meeting with Shanghai Commission of Commerce Deputy Director General Shen Weihua, following up on Shanghai Vice-Mayor Hua’s recent visit to NewZealand and the city’s measures to encourage/support business. Looking forward to this year’s CIIE.

新西兰驻上海总领事鲍晓笛(Ardi Barnard)与上海市商务委员会副主任申卫华进行了富有成效的会晤,并就上海市副市长华远近期访问新西兰,以及上海鼓励/支持企业的政策举措进行了交流。期待今年的进博会。

Our Consul-General, Ardi Barnard and Deputy Consul General, Wilson Chau caught up with Ewaters, New Zealand water management specialists, incorporating New Zealand standards of resource management in their projects throughout China and Aotearoa New Zealand.

总领事鲍晓笛(Ardi Barnard)和副总领事周瑨熙(Wilson Chau)拜访了新西兰水管理专家 EwatersEwaters将新西兰的资源管理标准纳入了其遍布中国和新西兰的项目中。

We met with a fantastic group of young New Zealand entrepreneurs on a North Cape Study Tour of China, great to discuss East China’s dynamic markets with insights from New Zealand Trade and Enterprise and the Business Roundtable in China.

新西兰驻上海总领事馆接待了一群出色的新西兰年轻企业家,他们正在进行一场由北亚亚太卓越中心(North Asia Cape)主办的中国访问之旅。新西兰贸发局以及新西兰商业圆桌会的代表在本次会面中,分享了他们关于不断变化的华东市场的见解。

Counting down to the China International Import Expo! We had a great discussion with Shanghai’s CIIE Bureau on their preparations. Looking forward to New Zealand businesses exhibiting this year.


Great seeing the strong turnout of New Zealand pet food exporters at Pet Fair Asia 2023. New Zealand pet food exports going from strength to strength.

很高兴看到新西兰宠物食品出口商踊跃参展 2023 年亚洲宠物博览会。新西兰宠物食品出口强劲增长。

Our Deputy Consul General, Wilson Chau, at the launch of the New Zealand Business Roundtable in China’s 2023 Business Outlook Report, containing insights from 51 surveyed New Zealand firms operating in China.

副总领事周瑨熙(Wilson Chau)参加了新西兰商业圆桌会关于《中国2023年商业展望报告》的发布会,该报告包括了51家在华经营新西兰企业的见解。

We hosted representatives of the Lingang Special Area Free Trade Zone, discussing some of the trade initiatives that China is piloting and avenues for New Zealand businesses to engage in that part of Shanghai.


We were pleased to meet the Chairman of Huzhou City’s branch of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade. We discussed opportunities for NZ wood exporters.


Kia Ora!

