Pohūhū ana mai a Taupiri kuao ūe, ūe, āuē taukuri e
Nā wai taku ahi i tipoko kia māeke ai taku kiri
Nā Mate-Kai-Tangata, nā Aitua-horo-arikinui e
Tukuna te waikamo anō he uamairangi e
Tihorea ngā kahu o māuiui, o hārukiruki i tō tinana
Haere rirerire atu rā ki ō tuaiho e tatari mai nā
Hoki atu rā ki ngā tāhuna o Rongomaiwhiti
Ki a Hawaiiki tau e taku āriki e moe e…
新西兰外交贸易部沉痛哀悼毛利国王Kiingi Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero Te Tuawhitu离世。
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade is deeply saddened to hear the news of the passing of Kiingi Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero Te Tuawhitu.
Tuheitia国王生前致力于推进毛利群体的团结(kotahitanga)与协作(mahitahi)。他是毛利文化传承的坚定倡导者,秉承着包括其母亲毛利女王Te Arikinui Te Atairangikaahu在内的毛利文化的精神和传统,与世界各地的领导人及人民建立了深厚的友谊。
Kiingi Tuheitia was committed to advancing the kaupapa of kotahitanga (unity) and mahitahi (collaboration). He was a staunch advocate for te ao Māori continuing the legacy of his tupuna including his late mother Te Arikinui Te Atairangikaahu in developing enduring relationships with leaders and people across the globe.
Our thoughts are with his whānau and iwi at this sad time.
E te Ariki, moe mai rā i roto i te rangimarie. Pai Maarire.
Kia ora! Please follow us!