
民生   2024-03-08 11:50   新西兰  


Today we celebrate the women representing New Zealand on International Women’s Day! Click below to find out more on our current female Ambassadors and High Commissioners!


Do you know?

  • 1893919日,《选举法1893》(Electoral Act 1893)通过,新西兰成为世界上第一个授予妇女投票权的国家

    On 19 September 1893, the Electoral Act 1893 was passed, giving all women the right to vote. As a result, New Zealand became the first country in the world to grant women the right to vote.

  • 新西兰一直是性别平等的倡导者。2023年,新西兰在妇女和平与安全指数(Women’s Peace and Security Index)上排名第10该指数根据家庭、法律和整个社会的衡量标准,对177个国家的妇女福祉和赋权情况进行了排名。

    New Zealand has long-standing commitment to gender equality. In 2023, New Zealand ranked 10th out of 177 countries on the Women's Peace and Security Index. The index ranks countries on women’s wellbeing and empowerment based on measurements in the home, under the law, and in society as a whole.

  • 据世界经济论坛发布,新西兰在全球性别差距指数(Global Gender Gap Index)中排名第四。这是新西兰在教育、健康、经济参与和政治赋权等领域持续发力的证明。

    New Zealand ranks 4th in the Word Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Index. This achievement reflects our ongoing commitment to parity in areas like education, health, economic participation, and political empowerment.


Let’s celebrate the achievements of all women and continue to make efforts for a brighter future!


Happy International Women’s Day from the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade team at the New Zealand Consulate General Shanghai!


Group photo of female colleagues at New Zealand Consulate Shanghai

Kia ora! Please follow us!
