The New Zealand Consulate-General recently welcomed the New Zealand Secondary Students’ Choir (NZSSC) to Shanghai to participate in a series of cultural-musical exchanges with Eastern China-based choir groups.
NZSSC is in China to participate in the 17th China International Chorus Festival in Beijing. The group is made up of around 56 nationally auditioned 13–18-year-old singers who represent the rich and diverse culture of Aotearoa New Zealand.
On 9 July, NZSSC met with the Shanghai Oriental Arts Centre Children’s Chorus (SHOAC Children’s Chorus) for a cultural and musical exchange. NZSSC shared three songs in Samoan and Māori (O Maia Samoa, Wairua Tapu, and Kahu Atangatanga) and learnt a Chinese folk song (Yi Meng Folk Song), while SHOAC Children’s Chorus performed two Chinese folk songs and immersed themselves in the Samoan song (O Maia Samoa).
7月9日,新西兰中学生合唱团与上海东方艺术中心童声合唱团以歌会友,进行了一场文化交流音乐会。新西兰中学生合唱团带来了萨摩亚语歌曲《O Maia Samoa》和两首毛利语歌曲《Wairua Tapu》及《Kahu Atangatanga》并现场学习了中国民歌《沂蒙山歌》。上海东方艺术中心童声合唱团演绎了两首民歌并学习了萨摩亚语歌曲《O Maia Samoa》。
Gift exchange between NZSSC and SHOAC Children’s Chorus
NZSSC sang Sisi Ni Moja with SHOAC Children’s Chorus
SHOAC Children’s Chorus learnt the Samoan song from NZSSC
The New Zealand Consulate-General in Shanghai also hosted a choral-event at The Warehouse Group’s Shanghai Office. NZSSC’s performance featured a repertoire of nine Mandarin, English, Māori, and Samoan songs, and was well received by Chinese and New Zealand attendees.
当晚,新西兰驻上海总领事馆在The Warehouse集团上海办公室举办了一场专场演出。新西兰中学生合唱团以普通话、英语、毛利语及萨摩亚语四种语言演绎了九首歌曲,赢得了现场新中两国观众的阵阵掌声与高度评价
NZSSC repertoire time 新西兰中学生合唱团现场表演
Group photo of representatives from NZSSC, KEA, and New Zealand Consul to Shanghai, Erina Okeroa.
NZSSC’s tour provided a platform for not only cultural exchanges between China and New Zealand but also an opportunity to showcase NewZealand’s finest young voices in China and empower youth through the celebration of choral music.
We wish NZSSC all the very best for their performances in Beijing.