新西兰驻上海总领事馆五一国际劳动节假期闭关通知 Closed Day on Labour Day

民生   文化   2024-04-30 13:13   新西兰  

Please be advised the New Zealand Consulate-General in Shanghai will be closed for Labour Day on Wednesday 1 May 2024, and will reopen at 9:00am on Thursday 2 May 2024.


FOR ALL VISA MATTERS, please call the New Zealand Immigration Contact Centre on 0064 991 44100.

所有签证事宜请联系新西兰移民局总部0064 991 44100

If you are a New Zealand citizen/passport holder requiring emergency consular assistance, please phone the New Zealand Consular Emergency Assistance Number on 0064 992 02020.

如新西兰公民需要紧急领事帮助,请致电0064 992 02020

Please DO NOT call the emergency number for visa or non-urgent enquiries. We thank you for your cooperation.


Kia ora! Please follow us!
