活动回顾| 2024国际妇女节活动

民生   文化   2024-03-15 16:30   新西兰  

In celebration of International Women’s Day 2024, New Zealand Consulate General Shanghai joined a series of events in Shanghai. Check out some of the event highlights below!


Last week, a group of 15 Consuls-General and three diplomats gathered together for this photo and to attend a Consuls-General IWD 2024 lunch event, hosted by the Fijian Consul-General in Shanghai as Dean of the Consular Corps in Shanghai. It is great to see such diverse women leadership!


Group photo of 15 Consuls-General and 3 diplomats based in Shanghai


On Friday 8 March, New Zealand Consul-General Ardi Barnard and Consul Erina Okeroa attended the IWD 2024 panel event in Shanghai, co-hosted by Kea and NZBRiC. Consul-General Ardi Barnard delivered opening remarks, noting New Zealand’s strong history towards women’s empowerment, including being the first country to give women the vote in 1893, and New Zealand’s continued focus on investing in women. The event also featured a panel discussion on accelerating gender equality through economic empowerment and the importance of “counting her in!”

Group photo of representatives from Kea and NZBRiC, 4 outstanding female panellists, New Zealand Consul-General Ardi Barnard and Consul Erina Okeroa

上周末,新西兰驻沪领事艾乐应邀出席了一场由心理健康倡导者Lorraine Lee主持的女性赋能早午餐活动。此次活动以“绽放独特光芒,成为最真实的自己”为主题,深入探讨了女性成长过程中的种种挑战与收获。
Over the weekend, Consul Erina Okeroa attended an IWD 2024 brunch hosted by mental health and well-being advocate, Lorraine Lee. The brunch featured a panel discussion on “how to thrive as your truest self”.
The panellists shared their journeys of maintaining authenticity and finding their true selves amid challenges. From pursuing passions and prioritizing family to advocating for LGBT rights and inspiring others through vulnerability, each story highlighted the importance of self-acceptance, community support, and personal growth.

Stay tuned for more events on women empowerment!

Kia ora! Please follow us!
