
文摘   情感   2025-01-19 19:00   江西  


-sweet talklover's prattle-

        • "你知道吗?每当你不在,我的影子都会偷偷跑开,因为它说,没有你的光,它也不想活。"
          "Do you know? Whenever you’re not around, even my shadow sneaks away, saying it doesn’t want to exist without your light."

        • "我曾经以为,我的世界已经足够完整,直到遇见你,才发现原来我一直在等一个让时间停下的人。"
          "I once thought my world was complete, until I met you and realized I’d been waiting for someone who could make time stand still."

        • "你的笑声不是声音,是一种温度,能把我冰封的过去一点点融化成一片温暖的海洋。"
          "Your laughter isn’t just a sound; it’s a warmth that melts my frozen past into a sea of comfort."

        • "你不需要做什么特别的事,只要站在那里,就能把我心中的城墙一砖一瓦地拆掉。"
          "You don’t have to do anything special; just by standing there, you tear down every wall in my heart, brick by brick."

        • "我以为星星是夜空的极限,直到你出现,才知道人类的眼睛也能装下整个宇宙。"
          "I thought stars were the limit of the night sky, until you appeared and showed me that human eyes could hold an entire universe."

        • "你是我人生中的不速之客,但我愿意把所有的房间腾空,只为让你住进来,永远不走。"
          "You’re the uninvited guest in my life, but I’m willing to empty every room just to let you stay forever."

        • "如果我的人生是一部电影,那你就是所有的高潮戏,每一秒都让我屏住呼吸,心甘情愿沦陷。"
          "If my life were a movie, you’d be every climax scene, leaving me breathless and willingly captivated every second."

        • "你的出现像一道裂缝,让光透进了我的世界,而我却不想再修补,只想让这光一直照着我。"
          "Your presence is like a crack that lets light into my world, and I no longer want to fix it—I just want this light to shine on me forever."

        • "如果我有九条命,我会用八条去经历一切,留下最后一条,只为永远陪着你。"
          "If I had nine lives, I’d use eight to experience everything and save the last one just to stay with you forever."

        • "你是我世界里的唯一破例,我所有的规则、理性和自控,都在你面前化为乌有。"
          "You are the only exception in my world; all my rules, logic, and self-control vanish in your presence."



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