
文摘   情感   2025-01-16 19:03   江西  


-sweet talklover's prattle-

      • "我从没想过,某一天我的灵魂会被困住,而囚禁它的,不是牢笼,而是你的一颦一笑。"
        "I never imagined my soul could be trapped, and yet here it is, held captive—not by bars, but by the curve of your smile."

      • "你就像一场突如其来的雷雨,打湿了我所有的伪装,却让我甘愿站在雨中,等你的每一滴落下。"
        "You’re like a sudden thunderstorm, drenching all my defenses, yet I willingly stand in the rain, waiting for every drop of you."

      • "如果世界是一片荒原,那你就是我唯一的绿洲,靠近你,我才知道什么是生机。"
        "If the world were a barren desert, you’d be my only oasis; being near you is the only way I know life."

      • "你的名字在我心里不是一个词,而是一首歌,每次念出来,整个世界都在为你和声。"
        "Your name isn’t just a word in my heart; it’s a song, and every time I say it, the whole world harmonizes for you."

      • "我以为我早已看透了爱,但你像一束光,照进了我从未探索过的角落。"
        "I thought I had understood love, but you’re a beam of light illuminating corners of me I never knew existed."

      • "我想成为你的影子,既能陪你走过白昼,也能在夜晚悄悄藏进你的梦里。"
        "I want to be your shadow, walking beside you in the daylight and sneaking into your dreams at night."

      • "我不知道命运是什么,但我知道,每当我靠近你,整个宇宙都开始低声歌唱。"
        "I don’t know what destiny is, but I know that every time I get close to you, the entire universe starts to hum a melody."

      • "你的眼神是我永远破解不了的密码,每一次对视,都让我甘愿沉沦。"
        "Your gaze is a code I can never decipher, and every glance makes me willingly surrender."

      • "你是我生命中的偏航,我甘愿放弃所有既定的轨迹,只为追随你未知的方向。"
        "You are the detour in my life, and I’d abandon every planned path just to follow your unknown direction."

      • "我曾以为心跳是恒定的,直到遇见你,我才发现它会为某个人而狂乱。"
        "I thought heartbeats were constant, until I met you and realized they can go wild for someone."



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