
文摘   情感   2025-01-15 19:00   江西  


-sweet talklover's prattle-

      • "如果时间会老去,那我愿把我的每一秒都交给你,让它在你的怀抱里变成永恒。"
        "If time could grow old, I’d give every second of mine to you, letting it turn into eternity in your embrace."

      • "每当我看着你,世界仿佛在悄悄后退,只留下我们两个人,像是命运在偷偷偏爱。"
        "Every time I look at you, the world seems to quietly step back, leaving just the two of us, as if fate is secretly playing favorites."

      • "你是我心底的秘密花园,只有我知道,那里每一片叶子都写满了对你的爱意。"
        "You’re the secret garden in my heart, and only I know that every leaf there is inscribed with my love for you."

      • "你的存在像一首无声的歌,虽然听不见,却让我在每一个寂静的瞬间都沉醉其中。"
        "Your presence is like a silent song; though I can’t hear it, I’m captivated by it in every quiet moment."

      • "每次靠近你,我的心都像海潮一样涌动,想要把所有的深情都拍打在你脚下。"
        "Every time I’m near you, my heart surges like the tide, wanting to lay all its devotion at your feet."

      • "我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是因为每次想到你,我都像重新认识了自己。"
        "I love you not for who you are, but because every time I think of you, I feel like I’ve rediscovered myself."

      • "如果有一天我失去了语言,那一定是因为我已经用尽了所有词语来爱你。"
        "If one day I lose my words, it must be because I’ve exhausted every one of them loving you."

      • "你是我生命的密码,没有你,我的世界就像一片空白,无法被解读。"
        "You’re the password to my life; without you, my world is a blank page, impossible to decipher."

      • "我不是追逐光的人,我只是追逐你,而你恰好是我生命中最耀眼的光。"
        "I’m not someone who chases light; I just chase you, and you happen to be the brightest light in my life."

      • "我一直以为爱情是场冒险,直到遇见你,我才明白,爱你是我做过最安全的选择。"
        "I always thought love was an adventure, until I met you and realized loving you is the safest choice I’ve ever made."



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