-sweet talklover's prattle-
"I always feel like all the winds in the world have traveled a long way, only to settle in the curve of your smile.""你出现的那一刻,时间仿佛被你驯服,开始围着你旋转,而我只能站在原地,看你发光。"
"The moment you appeared, time seemed to obey you, spinning around you, while I could only stand still and watch you shine.""我不知道爱是什么,直到我遇见你。那一瞬间,我才明白,爱是把整个世界浓缩成一个人。"
"I didn’t know what love was until I met you. In that moment, I realized love is condensing the entire world into one person.""你的眼睛里有一种魔力,它让我觉得,我的未来可以在你眼中找到所有答案。"
"There’s a magic in your eyes that makes me feel like I can find all the answers to my future in them.""如果世界上所有的语言都消失了,我也不会害怕,因为只要你在,我的心就会找到与你沟通的方式。"
"If all the languages in the world disappeared, I wouldn’t be afraid, because as long as you’re here, my heart would find a way to communicate with yours.""你是我心里的一首歌,不需要乐谱,每个音符都刻在我的灵魂里。"
"You’re a song in my heart that doesn’t need a sheet of music; every note is etched into my soul.""如果思念有重量,那我的世界早就因为想你而失去了平衡。"
"If longing had weight, my world would have long lost its balance from thinking about you.""你的存在像是一场秘密的革命,让我所有的冷静和理智都甘愿向你投降。"
"Your existence feels like a secret revolution, making all my calmness and reason surrender willingly to you.""我曾以为,世界上最温暖的是阳光,直到你牵住了我的手,我才知道温暖可以有温度,也可以有名字。"
"I used to think the warmest thing in the world was sunlight, until you held my hand, and I realized warmth can have a temperature and a name.""你是我梦里的光,无论多远,我都愿意追随,因为没有你,梦只是黑暗的空壳。"
"You are the light in my dreams; no matter how far, I’d follow you, because without you, dreams are just hollow darkness."
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