-sweet talklover's prattle-
"If love were a game, I’ve already lost everything; the only thing I have left is the courage to lose to you a million more times.""我不是在想你,我是在与你对话,在每一个我无法触碰你的时刻,和你无声地交换心跳。"
"I’m not thinking of you; I’m conversing with you, in every moment I can’t touch you, silently exchanging heartbeats.""你是我世界的引力中心,所有的情感和思绪都向你靠拢,连我的影子都在追随你的方向。"
"You are the gravitational center of my world; all my emotions and thoughts are drawn to you, even my shadow follows your direction.""有时候我想,你就是命运的偏心之作,因为它把所有的美好都藏进了你一个人的笑里。"
"Sometimes I think you’re destiny’s favorite creation, because it hid all the world’s beauty in just your smile.""你是我心中的那场未完的风暴,狂烈得让我无法喘息,却又温柔得让我舍不得停下。"
"You are the unfinished storm in my heart—wild enough to take my breath away, yet gentle enough to make me never want it to end.""每次看着你,我都在和时间赌气,恨不得把这一秒拉成长长的一生,只为多看你一眼。"
"Every time I look at you, I’m arguing with time, wishing to stretch this second into a lifetime just to see you a little longer.""你是我心里的秘密花园,越想隐藏越长满了鲜花,每一朵都在诉说对你的渴望。"
"You are the secret garden in my heart; the more I try to hide it, the more it blooms with flowers, each one whispering my longing for you.""如果思念有形状,那它一定是你的模样;如果思念有声音,那它一定是你的名字。"
"If longing had a shape, it would be your form; if longing had a sound, it would be your name.""你是我心中无法标注的地图,越探索越迷失,却甘愿永远找不到出口。"
"You are the unmarked map in my heart; the more I explore, the more I get lost, and I’m willing to never find a way out.""你像一道光,照进了我从未触及的深处,让那里不再是黑暗,而是只为你闪耀的星空。"
"You are like a light, shining into the depths I never dared to reach, turning the darkness there into a starlit sky just for you."
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