-sweet talklover's prattle-
"If you were the sea, I’d become the tide, rushing to you every day just to kiss your ankles and embrace your soul.""你像是一场雨,落进我心里后,淹没了所有的孤单和理智,只留下对你的渴望。"
"You’re like a rainstorm; once you fell into my heart, you drowned all my loneliness and reason, leaving only my longing for you.""每次看着你,我都觉得自己像在读一本禁书,越读越沉迷,越读越想拥有整本。"
"Every time I look at you, I feel like I’m reading a forbidden book—the more I read, the more addicted I become, craving to own the whole story.""你的笑容是一种武器,轻而易举地攻陷了我的心,但我甘愿做你心底的俘虏。"
"Your smile is a weapon that effortlessly conquered my heart, but I’m willing to be your prisoner forever.""如果爱是种冒险,那你就是让我甘愿摔得粉身碎骨的那片风景。"
"If love is an adventure, then you are the scenery I’d gladly crash into, no matter the cost.""你是我的全世界,甚至连我的影子都嫉妒我能拥抱你。"
"You are my entire world, so much so that even my shadow envies me for being able to hold you.""我想做你的一颗糖,藏在你嘴里,融化在你心里,甜到你离不开我。"
"I want to be your candy, hidden in your mouth, melting in your heart, sweet enough to make you never let me go.""每次靠近你,我都像一片落叶,被你的温柔裹挟着,忘了自己该飘向何方。"
"Every time I get close to you, I feel like a fallen leaf, carried by your gentleness, forgetting where I’m supposed to go.""你知道吗?你是我的弱点,也是我的盔甲,没有你,我既无所畏惧,也无处可逃。"
"Do you know? You’re both my weakness and my armor. Without you, I fear nothing but have nowhere to run.""你是我心底的禁区,一旦踏入,就再也没有退路,甘愿为你沉沦到底。"
"You’re the forbidden zone in my heart; once I step in, there’s no turning back—I’d willingly sink into you forever."
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