-sweet talklover's prattle-
"Do you know? Your unintentional smile feels like a shooting star streaking across my chest, leaving a mark that can never fade.""每次靠近你,我都像个盗火的凡人,明知会被烧伤,却仍想触碰你带来的光与热。"
"Every time I get close to you, I feel like a mortal stealing fire—knowing I’ll get burned, yet unable to resist your light and warmth.""你就像一场永不结束的梦,醒来时,我的枕头还留着你的气息,连风都在替你呢喃。"
"You’re like a dream that never ends; even when I wake, my pillow still holds your scent, and the wind whispers your name.""我从未想过,人的灵魂可以如此鲜活,直到你走进我的世界,把我的每一寸平凡都点亮。"
"I never imagined a soul could be so alive until you stepped into my world and illuminated every inch of my ordinary life.""你是我心底的那片荒原,明明一无所有,却让我甘愿迷失,甚至不想找到回去的路。"
"You are the barren land in my heart—desolate yet irresistible, making me willingly lost, never wanting to find my way back.""我总觉得自己是个秘密,而你是那个唯一解开我的人,轻轻一碰,就让我彻底沦陷。"
"I’ve always felt like a secret, and you’re the only one who can unravel me; with just one touch, I completely surrender.""你像一场即将来临的风暴,我明知逃不过,却期待着被你席卷,甚至渴望被你摧毁。"
"You’re like an impending storm; I know I can’t escape, yet I long to be swept away, even to be destroyed by you.""每当我凝视你的眼睛,我仿佛听见了宇宙在低语,那声音告诉我,你就是答案。"
"Every time I gaze into your eyes, I feel like I hear the universe whispering, telling me that you are the answer.""如果每个人的心都有一扇门,那么你就是那把专属的钥匙,不仅打开了我的心,还让我甘愿敞开。"
"If everyone’s heart has a door, then you are the unique key—not only unlocking mine but making me willingly leave it open.""我不怕迷路,因为每次走向你,我都觉得自己是在回家。"
"I’m not afraid of getting lost, because every step toward you feels like coming home."
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