
文摘   情感   2025-01-07 19:01   江西  


-sweet talklover's prattle-

          • "你的名字对我来说像是一道魔咒,只要一念出口,整个世界都变得温柔起来。"
            "Your name feels like a spell to me; the moment I say it, the whole world turns soft and tender."

          • "我发现,每当你靠近,我的呼吸就像在捉迷藏,找不到你就不愿出来。"
            "I’ve realized that every time you’re near, my breath plays hide-and-seek, refusing to come out unless it’s with you."

          • "你知道吗?你的笑容就像偷心的钥匙,我没法拒绝,也不想锁上心门。"
            "Do you know? Your smile is like a key that steals hearts—I can’t resist it, nor do I want to lock my heart away."

          • "和你在一起的时候,我觉得自己像一颗糖,融化得毫无保留,只为甜到你心里。"
            "When I’m with you, I feel like a piece of candy, melting completely, just to sweeten your heart."

          • "你的眼神像一场冒险,我甘愿迷失其中,因为每一次迷路,都会让我更靠近你。"
            "Your gaze feels like an adventure, and I’m willing to get lost in it, because every wrong turn brings me closer to you."

          • "你是不是一幅画?不然为什么每次看你,我都觉得自己的心像被艺术击中了一样。"
            "Are you a painting? Because every time I look at you, it feels like my heart has been struck by art."

          • "我觉得我像一个小偷,但偷的不是你的东西,而是偷瞄你每一个心动的瞬间。"
            "I feel like a thief, but I’m not stealing your belongings—I’m stealing glances at every heart-stirring moment of yours."

          • "每次见到你,我的心跳就像被你偷偷调成了倍速,快得让我招架不住。"
            "Every time I see you, my heartbeat feels like you’ve secretly turned it to double speed, leaving me helpless."

          • "你是不是在我梦里住了很久?不然为什么每次看到你,我都有种似曾相识的心动。"
            "Have you been living in my dreams for a long time? Because every time I see you, I feel a familiar kind of heartbeat."

          • "你是我心底的一场秘密风暴,看似平静,却能在瞬间掀起我所有的情绪。"
            "You are a secret storm in my heart—calm on the surface, yet able to stir up all my emotions in an instant."



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