
文摘   情感   2025-01-11 19:02   江西  


-sweet talklover's prattle-

                • "你有没有发现,每次你笑的时候,时间都会慢一拍,像是世界也在偷看你的笑容,舍不得眨眼。"
                  "Have you noticed that every time you smile, time slows down for a beat, as if the world itself is sneaking a look and can’t bear to blink?"

                • "你走过的地方,空气都像被你施了魔法,连呼吸一口都让我觉得甜得过分。"
                  "Wherever you pass, the air feels enchanted, and even breathing it in tastes excessively sweet to me."

                • "每当我靠近你,我感觉自己像一根火柴,而你,是让我瞬间燃烧的那道光。"
                  "Every time I get close to you, I feel like a matchstick, and you are the spark that sets me ablaze in an instant."

                • "你的存在让我明白了什么叫‘心甘情愿’,我愿意为你迷失方向,只为在你眼中找到归宿。"
                  "Your presence taught me the meaning of ‘willingness.’ I’d gladly lose my way, just to find my home in your eyes."

                • "你知不知道,和你说话的时候,我的每一个字都在偷偷发抖,生怕它们没能打动你。"
                  "Do you know that when I talk to you, every word I say trembles secretly, afraid they might not touch your heart?"

                • "我发现自己是一个贪心的人,不想要你的‘早安’和‘晚安’,我想占据你所有的时光。"
                  "I’ve realized I’m a greedy person. I don’t just want your ‘good morning’ and ‘good night,’ I want to occupy all your time."

                • "你的眼睛是不是有超能力?不然为什么我一看进去,就再也找不到离开的出口了。"
                  "Do your eyes have superpowers? Otherwise, why is it that once I look into them, I can’t seem to find the way out?"

                • "我不是在看你,我是在努力记住你眉间的每一道温柔,好让孤单的时候能重温。"
                  "I’m not just looking at you; I’m memorizing every line of tenderness between your brows, so I can revisit it when I feel lonely."

                • "我不怕黑夜,不怕孤独,唯一让我怕的是,你从我的梦里消失。"
                  "I’m not afraid of the night, not afraid of loneliness; the only thing I fear is you disappearing from my dreams."

                • "每次你靠近,我都觉得世界变小了,小到只剩下你一个,而这让我甘之如饴。"
                  "Every time you come close, the world feels smaller, shrinking until there’s only you—and I wouldn’t have it any other way."



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