
文摘   情感   2025-01-14 19:03   江西  


-sweet talklover's prattle-

                  • "如果时间是海,我愿做一叶小舟,任潮汐推着我,永远向你漂去,不问归期。"
                    "If time were an ocean, I’d be a little boat, letting the tides carry me toward you forever, with no need for a destination."

                  • "你就像一颗未命名的星星,只有我看得见它的光芒,只有我懂得它的美。"
                    "You’re like an unnamed star, visible only to me, with a beauty only I can understand."

                  • "有时候我觉得,你不是一个人,而是一种情绪,是所有甜蜜和心动的总和。"
                    "Sometimes I feel like you’re not just a person, but an emotion—a sum of all the sweetness and heartbeats."

                  • "你的存在就像春天的第一阵暖风,轻轻一吹,我的整个世界都被唤醒了。"
                    "Your presence is like the first warm breeze of spring; with one gentle touch, my entire world comes alive."

                  • "我从不相信命运,直到我遇见你,才明白原来命运是为了让我找到你。"
                    "I never believed in fate until I met you, and then I realized fate existed only to lead me to you."

                  • "我想成为你眼中的倒影,这样每次你看向世界时,我都能陪着你一起看。"
                    "I want to be the reflection in your eyes, so that every time you look at the world, I’m there to see it with you."

                  • "你是我世界里最柔软的一部分,触碰到你,就像手心接住了一片雪花。"
                    "You’re the softest part of my world; touching you feels like catching a snowflake in the palm of my hand."

                  • "如果我是一阵风,那我只想绕过所有的山川河流,直接奔向你。"
                    "If I were the wind, I’d bypass every mountain and river, heading straight to you."

                  • "我想把你的名字藏在诗里,这样每次读它的人,都会感受到我的心跳。"
                    "I want to hide your name in a poem, so that every time someone reads it, they’ll feel my heartbeat."

                  • "你是我的惯性,哪怕闭上眼睛,我也会朝着你的方向走。"
                    "You’re my inertia; even with my eyes closed, I’d still walk toward you."



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