
文摘   情感   2025-01-06 19:02   江西  


-sweet talklover's prattle-

        • "你知道你有多危险吗?每次你靠近,我的理智就像雪遇到太阳,融化得一塌糊涂。"
          "Do you know how dangerous you are? Every time you come close, my sanity melts away like snow under the sun."

        • "你的眼神像一把钩子,一勾就把我的心吊在了半空中,摇晃着,完全没了平衡。"
          "Your gaze is like a hook—it grabs my heart and leaves it dangling mid-air, swaying without balance."

        • "如果你是毒药,我甘愿中毒;如果你是陷阱,我甘愿跳下;如果你是火焰,我甘愿燃烧。"
          "If you were poison, I’d gladly be intoxicated; if you were a trap, I’d willingly fall; if you were fire, I’d let myself burn."

        • "你是我心里的电流,每次靠近,我全身的感官都像被通了电,酥麻得让我无处可逃。"
          "You’re the current in my heart; every time you’re near, my senses feel electrified, leaving me nowhere to hide."

        • "和你在一起的感觉就像海浪拍打沙滩,一次比一次猛烈,直到我彻底被你吞没。"
          "Being with you feels like waves crashing on the shore—each one stronger than the last, until I’m completely consumed by you."

        • "你的声音像一根羽毛,轻轻地划过我的耳朵,却让我整颗心都乱了节奏。"
          "Your voice is like a feather; it brushes softly against my ear but throws my entire heart out of rhythm."

        • "每次你看我一眼,我都觉得像被点燃了一场火焰,烧得我连逃跑的力气都没有。"
          "Every time you look at me, it feels like a fire has been lit, burning me until I have no strength to run."

        • "你笑的时候,世界都安静了,只剩下我心跳的声音,像雷鸣一样在胸口炸开。"
          "When you smile, the world goes silent, leaving only the sound of my heartbeat, thundering like a storm in my chest."

        • "我不是胆小鬼,但每次靠近你,我都觉得心跳快到像是下一秒会爆炸。"
          "I’m not a coward, but every time I’m near you, my heart races so fast it feels like it’s about to explode."

        • "你就像一把锁,而我就是那把为你而生的钥匙,一转就心甘情愿把自己交给你。"
          "You’re like a lock, and I’m the key made just for you—one turn, and I willingly give myself to you."



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