
文摘   情感   2025-01-21 21:09   江西  


-sweet talklover's prattle-

          • "你知道吗?我不想成为你的全世界,我只想成为你世界里那片最独特的风景。"
            "Do you know? I don’t want to be your entire world; I just want to be the most unique view in it."

          • "你就像一场突如其来的雨,淋湿了我所有的防备,却让我甘愿站在雨中不愿躲避。"
            "You’re like an unexpected rainstorm, drenching all my defenses, yet I willingly stand in it without seeking shelter."

          • "我想变成一颗星星,挂在你的窗外,这样每当你闭上眼,我就能守着你的梦。"
            "I want to become a star, hanging outside your window, so every time you close your eyes, I can guard your dreams."

          • "你的出现不是风暴,却搅乱了我的整片海洋,每一滴浪花都在呼唤你的名字。"
            "Your presence isn’t a storm, yet it stirs my entire ocean, with every wave whispering your name."

          • "我不羡慕日月星辰,它们虽耀眼,却永远无法像我一样,离你这么近。"
            "I don’t envy the sun, moon, or stars—they may shine brightly, but they’ll never be as close to you as I am."

          • "你就像一场永不落幕的烟火,即使在最平凡的日子里,也能点亮我整个世界。"
            "You’re like an everlasting firework, lighting up my entire world even on the most ordinary days."

          • "我不怕迷路,因为你的笑容就是我的指南针,带我找到每一条通向幸福的路。"
            "I’m not afraid of getting lost, because your smile is my compass, guiding me to every path of happiness."

          • "如果我能化作一阵风,我只想绕过千山万水,轻轻停在你耳边,说一声‘我爱你’。"
            "If I could become a breeze, I’d cross mountains and rivers just to gently stop by your ear and whisper, ‘I love you.’"

          • "你的名字是我听过最动人的旋律,即使我不说出口,它也在我的心里单曲循环。"
            "Your name is the most beautiful melody I’ve ever heard; even if I don’t say it aloud, it’s on repeat in my heart."

          • "你是我生命中的意外,却是我从未想过却一直渴望的奇迹。"
            "You’re the unexpected in my life, the miracle I never imagined but always longed for."



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