
文摘   情感   2025-01-09 19:00   江西  


-sweet talklover's prattle-

            • "你是不是偷走了我的呼吸?每次靠近你,我都觉得空气变得稀薄,只剩下你是我唯一的氧气。"
              "Did you steal my breath? Every time I’m near you, the air feels thinner, and you’re the only oxygen I need."

            • "我不是诗人,但遇见你之后,我的每一句话都带着韵脚,因为每个音节都在唱你的名字。"
              "I’m not a poet, but ever since I met you, every word I say carries a rhyme, because every syllable sings your name."

            • "我发现了一个秘密,原来你的眼睛里藏着银河,每次看着你,我都像在宇宙里迷了路。"
              "I’ve discovered a secret—your eyes hide a galaxy, and every time I look at you, I feel lost in the universe."

            • "如果思念是一种病,那我已经病入膏肓,而你,是唯一的解药。"
              "If longing were a sickness, I’d already be beyond cure, and you would be the only remedy."

            • "你的声音像一把钥匙,每次响起,都能打开我心底最深的那扇门,那里只属于你。"
              "Your voice is like a key; every time it sounds, it unlocks the deepest door in my heart, a place reserved only for you."

            • "你知道吗?我每次靠近你,心跳都会失去节奏,就像整个世界都在为你重新编曲。"
              "Do you know? Every time I get close to you, my heartbeat loses its rhythm, as if the whole world is composing a new melody for you."

            • "你是我无法躲开的风暴,无论我如何隐藏,你总能轻易将我卷入你的温柔里。"
              "You are the storm I can’t escape; no matter how I hide, you effortlessly sweep me into your gentle embrace."

            • "我愿做你窗外的月光,每晚轻轻洒在你身上,悄悄告诉你:我爱你。"
              "I’d love to be the moonlight outside your window, gently falling on you every night, whispering softly: I love you."

            • "你是一道解不开的数学题,我明知道答案是‘爱’,却还忍不住一遍遍地重新计算。"
              "You’re an unsolvable math problem; I know the answer is ‘love,’ yet I can’t stop recalculating it over and over again."

            • "你是我心中的禁区,我明知闯入会迷失自己,却还是一次次不顾一切地靠近。"
              "You are the forbidden zone in my heart; I know I’ll lose myself if I step in, yet I can’t stop moving closer every time."



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