
文摘   情感   2025-01-18 19:39   江西  


-sweet talklover's prattle-

          • "如果心跳是一种语言,那我的每一次跳动都在说你的名字,快得让我自己都听不清。"
            "If a heartbeat were a language, every beat of mine would be saying your name—so fast, even I can’t keep up."

          • "我见过无数次日落,却从未见过像你一样,能让我瞬间沦陷的光。"
            "I’ve seen countless sunsets, but I’ve never seen a light like yours, one that makes me fall instantly."

          • "我总是害怕错过什么,但当你在我身边时,世界好像就只剩下你,其他的一切都不重要了。"
            "I’m always afraid of missing something, but when you’re beside me, it feels like the world is just you, and nothing else matters."

          • "你的笑容像一场意外的雨,打湿了我心底所有隐藏的柔软。"
            "Your smile is like an unexpected rain, drenching every hidden softness in my heart."

          • "我从没想过一个人的声音,能像一首未完成的旋律,让我反复回味,直到痴迷。"
            "I never thought someone’s voice could be like an unfinished melody, one I replay until I’m completely captivated."

          • "你的出现就像春天的第一缕风,吹散了我心里所有的寒冷和孤单。"
            "Your presence is like the first breeze of spring, sweeping away all the cold and loneliness in my heart."

          • "我试着描绘你的样子,却发现无论用多少颜色,都画不出你给我的心动。"
            "I tried to paint your image, but no matter how many colors I used, I couldn’t capture the way you make my heart race."

          • "你走进我的生活后,连空气里都开始弥漫一种甜蜜的味道,让人沉醉。"
            "Since you walked into my life, even the air has been filled with a sweetness that leaves me intoxicated."

          • "我不是想靠近你,而是每次看到你,我的灵魂都会不由自主地朝你奔去。"
            "It’s not that I want to get closer to you, but every time I see you, my soul runs toward you on its own."

          • "你的存在让我相信,有些人天生就是为了点亮另一个人的世界,而你就是我的光。"
            "Your existence makes me believe that some people are born to light up another person’s world, and you are my light."



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