
文摘   情感   2025-01-27 19:00   江西  


-sweet talklover's prattle-

                • "我不知道你的名字会在哪本书的扉页上,但我确定它已经刻在了我未来每一页的开头。"
                  "I don’t know which book your name will grace the first page of, but I’m certain it’s already etched at the beginning of every page in my future."

                • "你有没有听见风的声音?它每次经过我耳边,都会带着你的名字,像在提醒我,你从未远离。"
                  "Have you ever heard the sound of the wind? Every time it brushes past my ear, it carries your name, as if reminding me you’ve never been far."

                • "如果我的心是一片湖泊,那你就是唯一的月亮,静静地躺在湖面上,让整个世界都被你的光辉染亮。"
                  "If my heart were a lake, you’d be the only moon resting on its surface, illuminating the entire world with your glow."

                • "你是不是偷偷改了我的世界观?不然为什么自从遇见你,我的每一个明天都变得充满期待。"
                  "Did you secretly rewrite my worldview? Because ever since I met you, every tomorrow has been filled with anticipation."

                • "我以为自己已经见过所有美好,直到你出现,才让我明白,有些光是为一个人而存在的。"
                  "I thought I’d seen all the beauty in the world, until you appeared and made me realize that some light exists solely for one person."

                • "你像一首未完的旋律,每次我靠近你,都像是在谱写一段属于我们的永恒乐章。"
                  "You’re like an unfinished melody; every time I get closer to you, it feels like we’re composing a timeless symphony together."

                • "我的世界里从来没有奇迹,直到你走进来,像是把每一秒钟都变成了值得铭记的瞬间。"
                  "There were no miracles in my world until you walked in, turning every second into a moment worth remembering."

                • "你是我无法翻过的山峰,每次仰望你,我都觉得自己是个幸运的探险者,被你的巍峨深深吸引。"
                  "You are the mountain I can never conquer; every time I look up at you, I feel like a lucky explorer drawn to your majesty."

                • "在我心里,你是那片从未凋谢的花海,无论季节如何变换,你都开得耀眼夺目。"
                  "In my heart, you are the field of flowers that never withers; no matter how the seasons change, you bloom radiantly."

                • "你的存在像是一颗星辰坠入凡间,而我,是那个注定会被你的光点燃的灵魂。"
                  "Your presence feels like a star falling to earth, and I am the soul destined to be ignited by your light."



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