-sweet talklover's prattle-
"Have you ever heard the echo of a heartbeat? Every time I see you, my heartbeat feels like it’s echoing through a valley, repeating ‘I love you’ over and over.""我不敢轻易拥抱你,因为我怕你的温度会渗透进我的骨髓,让我从此无法冷静。"
"I don’t dare to hold you close, because I’m afraid your warmth will seep into my bones, leaving me forever restless.""每次你经过,我都觉得世界变得柔软了,连空气都在窃窃私语,说你是它最珍贵的秘密。"
"Every time you pass by, the world feels softer, and even the air whispers that you are its most precious secret.""我一直以为我的世界很完整,直到你出现,我才发现,原来你是那个缺失的灵魂拼图。"
"I always thought my world was complete, until you appeared, and I realized you were the missing piece of my soul’s puzzle.""如果我有九条命,每一条都会在遇见你的瞬间燃烧成灰,因为你的存在太炽热,无法抗拒。"
"If I had nine lives, each one would burn to ashes the moment I met you, because your presence is too fiery to resist.""你的笑容就像一场没有尽头的旅程,我只想迷失在其中,永远找不到出口。"
"Your smile is like an endless journey, and I just want to lose myself in it, never finding a way out.""我曾以为我的心是沉默的,直到你像一滴水落进湖里,泛起了无数的涟漪。"
"I thought my heart was silent until you dropped into it like a raindrop in a lake, creating endless ripples.""你有没有发现,每次我们对视,时间都会偷偷放慢脚步,仿佛也不舍得打扰这一刻的美好。"
"Have you noticed that every time we lock eyes, time slows down, as if it too doesn’t want to interrupt this moment of beauty?""你的存在像是一首无法结束的旋律,我甚至不需要词,只要听着就已经沉醉。"
"Your presence is like an endless melody; I don’t even need lyrics, just hearing it is enough to intoxicate me.""你就像一场突如其来的春雨,打湿了我原本干涸的世界,让一切都重新生长起来。"
"You’re like an unexpected spring rain, drenching my once-dry world and making everything bloom again."
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