
文摘   情感   2025-01-22 19:00   江西  


-sweet talklover's prattle-

            • "如果你的名字是咒语,那我愿意每天反复念诵,直到世界变成只属于我们的奇迹。"
              "If your name were a spell, I’d chant it endlessly every day until the world turns into a miracle just for us."

            • "我怀疑你是时间的偷渡者,因为和你在一起的每一秒,都比永恒更值得珍藏。"
              "I suspect you’re a smuggler of time, because every second with you feels more precious than eternity."

            • "你不是我的避风港,你是那片海洋,我宁愿被你吞没,也不愿靠岸。"
              "You’re not my safe harbor; you’re the ocean itself, and I’d rather be engulfed by you than reach the shore."

            • "你是不是在我梦里藏了什么秘密?不然我怎么醒来后,眼里还装满了你的影子。"
              "Did you hide something in my dreams? Otherwise, why do my eyes still carry your reflection when I wake?"

            • "你的存在像一种稀有的语言,我努力去学,却发现,只有心才能真正读懂你。"
              "Your existence is like a rare language; I try to learn it, only to realize that only the heart can truly understand you."

            • "你是我脑海里唯一的乐队,连沉默时的每一拍,都像是在演奏属于我们的情歌。"
              "You’re the only band in my mind, and even the silence between beats feels like a love song meant for us."

            • "你的笑容是我的软肋,每次看到它,我的坚强都像冰一样,被瞬间融化。"
              "Your smile is my weakness; every time I see it, my strength melts like ice in an instant."

            • "你是我心底的秘密花园,每一片花瓣都写满了我对你的渴望和敬畏。"
              "You are the secret garden in my heart, with every petal inscribed with my longing and reverence for you."

            • "如果爱是一场旅程,我愿永远迷路在你身上,找不到回家的路也无所谓。"
              "If love is a journey, I’d gladly get lost in you forever, not caring if I ever find my way home."

            • "你的眼睛像一个时间胶囊,每次我看进去,都仿佛看见了我们未来的每个幸福瞬间。"
              "Your eyes are like a time capsule; every time I look into them, I see every happy moment of our future."



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