
文摘   2024-12-22 16:45   上海  

极简公寓|Pasquale Cook / Marie Lecluyse



设计师Pasquale Cook秉持着简约不失高雅的设计哲学,将墨尔本的Murray House焕然新生,打造成了一处诗意秘境。他将室内空间与室外自然景观融为一体,二者相辅相成,共同绘制出温馨疗愈的心灵画卷,让居者置身远离尘嚣的避风港。

坐落于墨尔本的Murray House,在设计师的手下,摒弃了繁复的累赘装饰,回归质朴空间,构筑充满魅力的居住空间。这里的极简设计,不仅彰显了生活的品味,更将自然界的无尽美好巧妙引入室内。

Murray House, located in Melbourne, under the guidance of designers, has abandoned complex and cumbersome decorations, returned to a simple space, and constructed a charming living space. The minimalist design here not only showcases the taste of life, but also cleverly introduces the endless beauty of nature into the interior.


The large area of natural wood tones creates a warm and comfortable atmosphere. The interweaving of natural light and every detail in space creates a unique light and shadow effect. The seamless connection between the dining and dining rooms visually expands the sense of space, allowing warmth and elegance to flow freely here. Warm wooden flooring, together with vintage furniture, writes the taste of life.


The light beige brick walls add a delicate and elegant atmosphere to the space. With the flow of light, design integrates into life and becomes a symbol of elegance. Every detail becomes vivid with the embellishment of this art, bringing new colors to life.

本案是Marie Lecluyse为客户量身定制的现代极简艺术典范,在此实现了自然与空间的完美融合,摒弃了一切繁复的装饰,设计流畅。不拘泥于任何既定风格,也不受限于任何单一物件,而是随心而动,将居住者的梦想融入每一寸空间。

This case is a modern minimalist art model tailored by Marie Lecluyse for clients, achieving a perfect integration of nature and space, abandoning all complicated decorations, and designing smoothly. Not bound by any established style, nor limited by any single object, but moving according to one's heart, integrating the dreams of residents into every inch of space.


The combination of beige and natural wood creates a harmonious and rhythmic atmosphere, showcasing the unique beauty of the space. The large french window introduce nature into the interior, making people feel as if they are in the embrace of nature and intoxicated with the freshness. From the overall layout to the intricate details, the design of this project is impeccable, with life at its core. The clever combination of colors and materials creates a beautiful living environment together.


Taken from natural materials, carrying delicate textures, like an artist's brushstrokes, it outlines exquisite paintings in indoor spaces. They bring rich visual layers to the space and inject endless vitality. The seamless combination of color, texture, and texture is like a gift bestowed by nature, allowing the simplicity and beauty of life to flow in every inch of space.

内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :DesignJapan

文 Writer :Rita     排版 Editor:Fin

设计Design&版权©:Pasquale Cook / Marie Lecluyse

