在中国台湾,有这么一套复古而极简的住宅,它出自ECRU Studio之手。设计师通过不同的材料与纹理装饰空间,并且选用的各时期的复古家具,展现出富有别样美感的空间。暖色的墙壁与木地板为空间增添暖意质感,内部与现代化城市装饰形成鲜明的对比。
Inside the living room, the designer used warm tones as the basic color of the space, and the light beige fabric sofa and irregular wood-colored coffee table matched a sense of writing and comfort, showing a simple and quiet space atmosphere. On the side of the wooden table, decorative ornaments are placed to add an artistic atmosphere to the living room.
半开放式的厨房中,白色与木色的搭配让人感到舒适,中岛台通过大理石与原木拼接而成,打造了一个温馨舒适且兼顾实用性的操作空间。上方的金属吊灯为整体空间更添时尚感 。错落有致的线条打造出几何美感,不加修饰的纹理感,也展现了空间的自然原始气息。
In the semi-open kitchen, the white and wood color combination makes people feel comfortable. The center island is made of marble and logs, creating a warm and comfortable operating space with practicality. The metal chandelier above adds a sense of style to the overall space. The staggered lines create a sense of geometric beauty, and the unadorned texture shows the natural and original atmosphere of the space.
The bedroom continues the minimalist style, setting a warm spatial tone through a large area of warm gray tones. The fluffy white bedding is relaxing and creates a comfortable resting environment for the owner. The bedside lamp with a great sense of design shows a distinctive artistic atmosphere. The warm light creates a soothing breathing feeling in the space and is full of stress relieving ability.
In the bathroom, a large area of crimson shows a different vintage atmosphere, the use of metal elements to enhance the overall texture of the space, the delicate texture gives the space a sophisticated tone.
ECRU Studio是一家来自中国台湾的室内设计工作室,设计师JIN CHEN独自一人创立了ECRU Studio。ECRU一词源自法语,直译为“米色”,这一点也正是反映了工作室以平衡和永恒的设计理念与创作精神。
ECRU Studio is an interior design studio from Taiwan, China, founded by designer JIN CHEN, who founded ECRU Studio on his own, the word ECRU is derived from the French word "beige", which reflects the studio's philosophy and creative spirit of balance and timelessness.
内容策划 / Presented
策划 Producer :DesignJapan
撰文 Writer :Rita 排版 Editor:Fin
设计Design&版权©:ECRU Studio