“中国新能源车正在‘入侵’欧美国家?”“中国社交软件海外受阻真实原因是?”“中国制造是低价低质的标签?”…… 当今,国际舆论环境日益复杂,一些西方国家利用语言优势和媒体优势,颠倒黑白、炮制错误言论、试图在全球舆论场混淆视听。 慎思明辨,方能洞见真相。即日起,四川国际传播中心面向全球重磅推出《BizBate从“何”说起》对话栏目,依托四川国际传播中心媒体矩阵Center官网、灵感中国海外媒体矩阵(X、YouTube、Instagram、Facebook)、四川国际传播中心微信视频号、川观新闻、封面新闻客户端等平台,聚焦政治、经济、科技、文化等领域,对话全球最具有影响力的学者专家和行业大咖,探讨时代最前沿、最具争议性的话题,分享他们的见解与故事,多维度向观众呈现一个立体的中国。 Starting today, Sichuan International Communication Center is launching the heavyweight dialogue program "BizBate". Leveraging the media matrix of the Sichuan International Communication Center, and the “Inspiration” media matrix, as well as the Chuanguan News app and other platforms, this program will focus on politics, economics, technology, culture, and other fields. It will feature dialogues with the world's most influential scholars, experts, and industry leaders to discuss the most cutting-edge and controversial topics of our times, share their insights and stories, and present a multi-dimensional, all-encompassing view of China to the audience. 栏目嘉宾来自各行各业,他们可能是政策参与者与研究者、创新科技的先驱、经济领域的领军人物、文化艺术的引领者…… 在这里,无论是政治的风云变幻,还是科技的革新突破;无论是经济的起伏波动,还是文化的传承创新,每一位嘉宾都将带来独特的视角和洞察,每一期节目都将掀起一场思想风暴! Guests will be policy participants and researchers, pioneers in innovative technology, leaders in the economic sector, or trailblazers in culture and arts...Whether it's the changing political landscape, technological innovations, economic fluctuations, or cultural heritage and innovation, each guest will bring unique perspectives and insights, making each episode a feast of thought! 2024年6月,欧盟委员会发布公告,表示将对中国进口的电动汽车,最高加征38.1%的额外关税;与之相对的是,7月,特斯拉汽车首次被列入中国地方政府采购清单……中国新能源汽车全球化的背后,一个与西方制造业之间的“修罗场”暗流涌动。 In June 2024, the European Commission announced it would impose up to 38.1% additional tariffs on electric cars imported from China. Conversely, in July, Tesla cars were included in the Chinese local government procurement list for the first time... Behind the globalization of Chinese new energy vehicles, the struggles with Western manufacturing is surging. 为何关于中国新能源汽车的质疑接连不断?又是谁在破坏这场本该公平的竞争?今天《BizBate从“何”说起》第一期节目,四川国际传播中心主播Joe何卓彦将带着这些问题,对话来自四川大学国际关系学院的副教授沈予加,为观众一一作答。 Why are there continuous doubts about Chinese new energy vehicles? And who is ultimately undermining this supposedly fair competition? In the first episode of "BizBate", Associate Professor Shen Yujia from Sichuan University will give her answers.