
文摘   2024-12-19 15:28   云南  






When we arrived in Tournus, Gabriel and I parked our bikes near the wharf and walked to the town square, starving after a 33-kilometer ride. We made it within one and a half hours which is really something! We planned to get lunch and then bike back to Macon, a city on the Saone River where I was staying with Gabriel’s family for the summer.

It was market day, bustling with locals buying groceries and tourists hunting for souvenirs. We bought a long, thin loaf of bread called a baguette and some Brie, a soft cheese I’m obsessed with. It tastes awesome with the crispy crust of the baguette. While eating, I noticed a girl in a USA Basketball T-shirt smiling at us. Basketball is popular in France too. You can even watch NBA games on TV.

The girl stopped to buy cookies with someone that I guessed was her mom because they looked so much alike. We later saw her and her mom by the river, enjoying pastries on a bench near a riverboat named Voyageur, which had docked earlier.

Then they boarded the boat. As it was preparing to leave, I spotted a colorful shopping bag on the bench. The girl had left it! Gabriel and I called out to her in French and English, waving the bag. When the girl noticed us, she was surprised but disappointed as the boat began to leave. Gabriel suggested throwing it to her, but I feared it would fall into the river. We had to find another way!

Running alongside the boat, Gabriel learned from a sailor that the next stop was Macon — our destination as well. It would take the boat just under two hours at a speed of 12 knots. Gabriel searched on the phone about the speed. "That’s 22 kilometers — or 14 miles — per hour," he said. "Do you think we can keep up?" I asked. With a laugh, he replied, “We’re about to find out!”

Paragraph 1: I threw the bag over my shoulder, and we set off. 


Paragraph 2: The girl's eyes lit up with astonishment while her mom clapped in delight.




作者 “我”和朋友Gabriel骑行33公里到达法国小镇Tournus,在热闹的集市上买了法棍和Brie奶酪作为午餐。吃饭时,我们注意到一位穿着美国篮球T恤的女孩和她的母亲,后来她们登上了一艘名为Voyageur的船。当船即将离开时,我发现女孩将购物袋落在了长椅上,虽然试图归还,但未能成功。得知船的下一站正是我们计划返回的Macon后,我们决定骑车追赶,与船一较高下,试图把包归还给小女孩…

主题归类:助人为乐(Helping Others)

主要人物: “我”、“我”的朋友Gabriel

次要人物: 小女孩、小女孩的妈妈





第二段,应该主要写我们成功地把包归还给了小女孩后她和她的妈妈的反应。一种合理的内容安排是:小女孩和她妈妈十分激动,同时感谢我们。文末,如能稍微升华和提炼一下故事主题(助人为乐Helping Others)就最好不过了。



Paragraph 1 (91 words)

I threw the bag over my shoulder, and we set off. Gabriel and I didn’t waste a second as we pedaled hard along the riverside path, determined to catch up with the boat.(合理的内容安排:不敢耽误时间,全力追赶船只)For over two hours, we encouraged each other, shouting words of motivation while staying cautious on the way.(简单但合理的互动:相互鼓励和提醒)The boat moved steadily ahead, but we kept pushing ourselves. Finally, more than two hours later, we arrived at the dock in Macon at the same time as the boat.(细节上和原文互动:Macon  dock)I waved the colorful bag high in the air and shouted, “Here’s your bag!” The girl noticed us and smiled brightly.(和下文顺利衔接:成功追上,物归原主

Paragraph 2 (98 words)

The girl’s eyes lit up with astonishment while her mom clapped in delight. “You got it back!” the girl exclaimed, her voice a mix of excitement and disbelief.(合理的情绪描写:激动中带有一些难以置信)Her mother, smiling warmly, called out, “Thank you! You’re our heroes today!” (次要人物也给到台词和戏份)Gabriel and I exchanged grins, breathing hard but feeling triumphant.(恰当的用词:triumphant)As the boat began to drift away again, the girl waved to us with bright, cheerful eyes, her smile as radiant as the summer sun.(巧妙的内容设置:船只再次开动,我们就此告别)Gabriel leaned over his handlebars, laughing. “We really did it,” he said with pride.(handlebars和原文重要的概念bike互动)At that moment, I realized this adventure wasn’t just unforgettable—it taught us the true joy and meaning of helping others.(明显的故事主题提炼:helping others



  1. pedal (verb) 蹬踏板

  2. cautious (adjective) 小心的,谨慎的

  3. smile brightly (verb phrase) 明亮地微笑

  4. exclaim (verb) 呼喊,惊叫

  5. a mix of excitement and disbelief (noun phrase) 夹杂着兴奋和难以置信

  6. exchange grins (verb phrase) 相视一笑

  7. triumphant (adjective) 胜利的,得意洋洋的

  8. drift away (verb phrase) 慢慢漂走

  9. radiant (adjective) 容光焕发的,灿烂的

  10. lean over (verb phrase) 俯身、斜靠、

  11. handlebar (noun) 自行车的车把


过去两年多时间以来,不断有粉丝私信我们说,希望获得时事新闻语法填空训练的纸质版合集。 于是,知诸英语罗伦老师从过去两年的知诸英语公众号文章里精选出100篇训练汇集成册(外加20篇高考真题解析,通过清华大学出版社出版了这本《新高考英语语法填空120篇》,赶紧扫描下面的二维码购买吧!了解图书详情,请点击原文链接。


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