
文摘   2025-01-05 13:46   云南  



I was in Philadelphia for a conference when I saw an ad in the hotel. A nearby theater was showing a documentary (纪录片) about several local animal shelters that were helping to save abandoned dogs across the country. I love animals, and I felt an urge to go to this fundraising event. However, none of my co-workers would go with me, and I was worried about walking on the street alone at night.

I resigned myself to spending the evening in my hotel room, but as soon as I got back to my room I felt restless and bored. The theater where the event was taking place was only about five blocks from the hotel, and the area around the hotel didn’t seem particularly dangerous. So, I decided to brave it. I gathered up my wallet and room key and set off.

It was already getting dark and the streets were nearly deserted. I managed to find the street the theater was on, but when I turned the corner, I stopped in shock. In front of the theater were a group of bikers — very big, tough-looking bikers.

I’ve known lots of motorcycle enthusiasts and most are nice people. However, in this case, I was a woman all alone, in a strange neighborhood, at night, and there were twenty or so very large men — all wearing insignia (徽章) that indicated they were in some sort of club — standing before me. Warning bells began to sound in my head, and my heart was pounding. Was I at the right theater? Had I misread the date of the event?

A sign outside the theater told me that I was in the right place on the right evening. Nevertheless, I wondered if I should rush back to my hotel instead of walking through that crowd of bikers. I finally decided that I would be safer inside the theater. Hopefully, the bikers would have gone away by the time the film was over.

Paragraph 1: I hurried into the theater, only to find there were even more bikers inside.


Paragraph 2: When the film began, I realized that the bikers were an animal rescue group.






作者“我”是一名女性。“我”在费城参加一次会议时,看到一则广告,介绍附近一座剧院正在放映关于动物收容(animal shelters)的纪录片,旨在为流浪狗筹款(fundraising)。由于自己喜爱动物,“我”决定参加这个募捐活动,但因为担心晚上独自走在街上不安全,最初打算放弃。然而,回到酒店房间后,感到无聊且情绪低落,最终决定冒险前往。尽管剧院离酒店只有五个街区,且周围环境看似并不危险,但当“我”走到剧院时,发现门前聚集了一群身形高大、看起来很凶的摩托骑士(bikers),“我”感到十分不安。“我”一度考虑是否应该立即返回酒店,但最终决定进入剧院。。。

主要人物: 作者“我”、bikers (摩托车骑士们)

叙事视角: 第一人称视角

故事主题:1.人与动物 2. 认知固化 3. 消除偏见







Paragraph 1: I hurried into the theater, only to find there were even more bikers inside. They occupied most of the seats, their leather jackets and tattoos making them look even more intimidating.(描写骑士们的穿着打扮,凸显群体属性)I quickly found a spot near the back, hoping to blend into the shadows.(合理的内容设置:“我”害怕这群人所以尽量离他们远一点)However, as I settled in, I noticed their lively conversations weren’t what I had expected.(转折就此开始)They were discussing dog rescues and fundraising events, sharing heartfelt stories about the animals they had helped. One biker spoke about nursing a sick puppy back to health, while another mentioned organizing charity rides to support local shelters.高度复现原文词汇和概念)My fear started to fade, replaced by curiosity and a sense of admiration.(合理的情绪变化:害怕和不安逐步转变为好奇和欣赏)(98 words) 

Paragraph 2: When the film began, I realized that the bikers were an animal rescue group. Early in the documentary, a segment introduced their organization, describing them as a group united by a shared passion. They weren’t just motorcycle enthusiasts; they shared a love for animals.(理的内容创设:通过影片内容得知他们是一伙热衷救助动物事业的骑士)The footage showed them rescuing injured dogs, delivering supplies to shelters, and organizing events to raise awareness about animal welfare. Shelter staff praised their dedication, highlighting how their support had transformed the lives of countless animals.(具体提及骑士们的所作所为,为彻底消除“我”的偏见做足铺垫)As the audience applauded, I felt deep respect. Walking back to my hotel under the quiet night sky, I reflected on how appearances can be deceiving and kindness often comes from unexpected places.(文末主题升华句起到了提炼故事主题“认知固化和偏见消除”的作用)(98 words)



  1. tattoo (n. 纹身)

  2. intimidating (adj. 令人畏惧的,威吓的)

  3. charity ride (noun phrase 慈善骑行)

  4. segment (n. 部分,片段)

  5. animal welfare (noun phrase 动物福利)

  6. applaud (v. 鼓掌,赞扬)

  7. deceiving (adj. 欺骗性的,具有误导性的)


过去两年多时间以来,不断有粉丝私信我们说,希望获得时事新闻语法填空训练的纸质版合集。 于是,知诸英语罗伦老师从过去两年的知诸英语公众号文章里精选出100篇训练汇集成册(外加20篇高考真题解析,通过清华大学出版社出版了这本《新高考英语语法填空120篇》,赶紧扫描下面的二维码购买吧!了解图书详情,请点击原文链接。


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