
文摘   2024-11-30 16:07   河北  



The town beside the sea was abuzz with (充满) the news. The governor was holding a grand banquet, and everyone was invited.

The artists and accountants, the librarians and lawyers, taxi drivers and professors. But no one was as thrilled as Nasruddin. He owned a vineyard at the edge of the town, and the governor would be serving Nasruddin’s wine at the feast.

On the day of the big event, Nasruddin woke up extra early. He dug deep into his closet and began to search. He smiled as he pulled out his long red silk coat. It was his favorite piece of clothing, embroidered with bright purple grapes. He only wore the coat on very special occasions.

So that morning, Nasruddin laid the coat on his bed, along with a nice shirt, perfectly pressed pants, and his shiniest shoes. He would come right home after work and dress up and then head straight to the party. Then he set off for the vineyard.

Nasruddin worked especially hard all day and when he finally looked up at the clock, the banquet was starting in 10 minutes. He looked down at his clothes. Dirty marks of mud and stains of grape juice were everywhere. The front and back of his shirt were clammy with sweat. There was no time for him to go home to put on his fine silk coat.

In order not to be late for the governor’s banquet, he headed to the fancy dinner straight from a long, hot day at his vineyard, so his clothing was stained with mud, grapes and sweat.

When he arrived, the doorman frowned. Nasruddin gave him a friendly wave and breezed through the door. Stepping inside the banquet hall, he saw everyone dressed in their very finest clothing sipping on his wine.

Nasruddin had always been a friendly, talkative sort, so he began making the rounds. But as he encountered his friends and neighbors, he noticed no one greeted him back. Instead, they turned away. To make things worse, not even the waiter carrying trays of food would come near him. No one would approach him, even though the governor was serving his wine at the dinner. From those unfriendly faces, Nasruddin was lost in thought.

Paragraph 1: Nasruddin realized what he wore was to the point.


Paragraph 2: Nasruddin came up with a solution.





  • 社会偏见与接纳(Social Prejudice and Acceptance)

  • 身份与尊严(Identity and Dignity) 

主要人物: Nasruddin 

次要人物:governor   other guests   waiters



从第一段给出的开头句(Nasruddin realized what he wore was to the point)不难看出这段的主要内容可以是Nasruddin突然就明白了,大家对他的冷眼相待都是因为他不太体面的穿着。为了和第二段的开头句(Nasruddin came up with a solution)顺畅衔接,第一段的结尾部分可以设置Nasruddin想要在现场就要让大家改变对他的偏见和冷漠。这样才能自然地和下文的solution自然承接。

第二段续写部分,笔墨重点必然是在解释具体的“solution”。一种快速起效的故事可能性是:Nasruddin再现场发表一段简单的演说,让大家知道不必以貌取人。结尾部分,如果能稍微升华一下,结合社会偏见与接纳(Social Prejudice and Acceptance)这个主题,设置偏见消除、劳动者的身份受到接纳和尊重的故事大结局就再好不过了。


Paragraph 1: Nasruddin realized what he wore was to the point. The mud, sweat, and grape juice on his clothes vividly reflected the effort he had put into making the wine that everyone was enjoying. He began to feel a mix of embarrassment and frustration. It was not his intention to appear unkempt, but he realized that people were judging him solely by his appearance. He took a deep breath, straightened his posture, and decided that he needed to change the way the others saw him. After all, his hard work deserved recognition, not ridicule. (84 words)

Paragraph 2: Nasruddin came up with a solution. He walked to the center of the room, clinked a glass, and addressed the crowd. "Dear friends, you are enjoying the wine I’ve worked hard to produce. These stains on my clothes are marks of that labor." The room fell silent as he continued, "My vineyard is my pride, and tonight, this wine is yours to celebrate. Behind every fine thing lies dedication and effort." The governor smiled, raised his glass, and invited everyone to toast Nasruddin. Applause erupted, and Nasruddin’s warmth turned cold stares into smiles. (88 words)


Paragraph 1: Nasruddin realized what he wore was to the point. The mud, sweat, and grape juice on his clothes vividly reflected the effort he had put into making the wine that everyone was enjoying. (和原文概念互动:mud, sweat, grape juice)He began to feel a mix of embarrassment and frustration. (合理的情绪描写:尴尬和沮丧)It was not his intention to appear unkempt, but he realized that people were judging him solely by his appearance.(描述现象后面的本质:大家以貌取人judge people by appearance)He took a deep breath, straightened his posture, and decided that he needed to change the way the others saw him. (准备和第二段开头句衔接) After all, his hard work deserved recognition, not ridicule.                                                                                                 

Paragraph 2: Nasruddin came up with a solution. He walked to the center of the room, clinked a glass, and addressed the crowd.(精炼文字:把次要人物按集体归类crowd)"Dear friends, you are enjoying the wine I’ve worked hard to produce. These stains on my clothes are marks of that labor." The room fell silent as he continued, "My vineyard is my pride, and tonight, this wine is yours to celebrate. Behind every fine thing lies dedication and effort." (提炼演讲主题:劳动值得被尊重)The governor smiled, raised his glass, and invited everyone to toast Nasruddin.(不遗漏重要的次要人物:governor)Applause erupted, and Nasruddin’s warmth turned cold stares into smiles.(正能量结局设定,紧扣身份与尊严故事主题) 


  1. a mix of embarrassment and frustration (noun phrase) 尴尬和沮丧的混合情绪

  2. unkempt  (adjective)不整洁的,邋遢的

  3. straighten posture (verb phrase)  挺直姿势

  4. recognition (noun) 认可,承认

  5. ridicule (noun/verb) 嘲笑,讥讽

  6. clink (verb)(使)叮当作响

  7. address the crowd (verb phrase) 向人群发表讲话

  8. toast sb (verb phrase) 向某人敬酒

  9. applause  (noun) 掌声,喝彩

  10. erupt  (verb) 爆发,突然出现


过去两年多时间以来,不断有粉丝私信我们说,希望获得时事新闻语法填空训练的纸质版合集。 于是,知诸英语罗伦老师从过去两年的知诸英语公众号文章里精选出100篇训练汇集成册(外加20篇高考真题解析,通过清华大学出版社出版了这本《新高考英语语法填空120篇》,赶紧扫描下面的二维码购买吧!了解图书详情,请点击原文链接。


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