【试题分析】Isosceles Triangle Concurrency Theorem (Inverse)

文摘   2024-10-12 11:58   广东  

The problem mentioned in yesterday's sharing titled "大家这道题的第3个结论是怎么教学生的?" is :
For the third conclusion, the provided solution is:
(double length center line) Extend CE to F such that EF = CE and connect AF as shown in the diagram below:
It can be easily proven that
which implies ∠M = ∠ACE. Since AC = AM, triangle ACM is isosceles. Given that AE is the median to side CM, and combining this with the concurrency property of isosceles triangles, AE must be a height, meaning AE ⊥ CM (CE).
However, why double the length of CE? Is there a simpler, more intuitive solution? Can we use this opportunity to cultivate students' geometric intuition and reasoning skills?
The key to this problem is understanding a typical scenario from the converse of the isosceles triangle concurrency theorem, which states that "if the median and angle bisector to one side of a triangle coincide, then the triangle must be isosceles." In simpler terms, "two lines (the median and angle bisector) coinciding implies isosceles." In geometric notation:
In triangle ABC, if median CE bisects ∠ACB, prove that AC = BC.
If students grasp this concept, they will find the solution to the third conclusion of the exam question intuitive! So, how can this problem be solved?
Solution1:Of course, starting from the median and doubling its length (similar to the approach in the provided solution) is a clever method, which I won't elaborate on here.
Solution2:Consider from the angle bisector CE, using the property of angle bisectors, we have
AC/BC = AE/BE = 1,
hence AC = BC.
Solution3:Consider triangles AEC and BEC. AE = BE, CE is a common side, and ∠ACE = ∠BCE. This satisfies the SSA condition for triangle congruence. A common approach is to “cut long to make short.”
Let’s assume we can cut CB to obtain CB' = CA. To prove AC = BC, we need to show B' coincides with B. If not, connecting EB', we observe △B'CE≌△ACE(SAS), which leads to EB' = EA = EB. Connecting AB', we have:
Then ∠AB'B = 90°, meaning BC ⊥ AB'. Since triangles B'CE and ACE are symmetric about CE, so there must be CE ⊥ AB', implying BC // CE, which contradicts the intersection point C. Hence, B' must coincide with B, proving AC = BC.
Solution4:Again, using the "cut long to make short" method, draw EG ⊥ AC at G and EH ⊥ BC at H.
From the property of the angle bisector, we know EG = EH. Given AE = BE, so Rt△AGE≌Rt△BHE(HL), thus AG = BH. It can be easily shown that triangles CEG and CEH are also congruent, leading to CG = CH. Therefore, AG + CG = BH + CH, which implies AC = BC, completing the proof!
Solution5: (Area formula) The area of triangle AEC = 1/2 × sin∠ACE × AC · EC, and the area of triangle BEC = 1/2 × sin∠BCE × BC · EC. Since the areas of triangles AEC and BEC are equal and ∠ACE = ∠BCE, it follows that AC = BC, completing the proof!
Solution6: (Sine theorem) In triangles ACE and BCE, we apply the sine theorem, yielding AE/sin∠ACE = CE/sin∠A and BE/sin∠BCE = CE/sin∠B. Since ∠A + ∠B < 180°, it follows that ∠A = ∠B, hence AC = BC, completing the proof!

Do you feel the beauty of geometric reasoning?
