干细胞国际谈丨新加坡癌症研究所主任Daniel G.Tenen教授解码SALL4蛋白与癌症

文摘   2024-11-01 18:49   北京  



2024年第九届国际干细胞论坛(IFSC)聚焦于干细胞基础研究、再生医学、细胞治疗以及临床研究指南的应用,汇集了来自世界各地的专家学者,共同探讨科学发现和技术进步的最新前沿。会议期间,《肿瘤瞭望-血液时讯》特邀新加坡癌症研究所主任Daniel G.Tenen教授分享癌症治疗领域的潜力股与未来趋势。现将精粹整理成文,以飨读者。




Daniel G.Tenen教授:回想起自己对SALL4产生兴趣的初衷,不禁哑然失笑。我在哈佛大学设立的实验室已逾四十年,其间始终对基因在正常细胞与癌细胞间的调控机制怀有浓厚的兴趣。

当Li Chai教授从耶鲁大学转战哈佛,并在哈佛建立了自己的科研阵地后,我有幸接触到了她在SALL4领域的深入研究成果。她几乎将整个职业生涯都奉献给了SALL4的研究。在我看来,SALL4堪称基因在正常细胞与癌细胞间调控机制的一个精妙范例。在胚胎发育阶段,SALL4呈现活跃状态,而一旦个体步入成年,其表达便趋于沉寂。然而,在癌症患者的体内,SALL4将再度被激活,这一现象显得尤为关键。它与我长期以来对基因调控的全面兴趣不谋而合,无论是正常细胞还是癌细胞,皆在我的研究视野之内。



Hematology Frontier:As an oncofetal protein, SALL4 plays a crucial role in various cancers. How did you initially become interested in SALL4 and decide to make it your research focus? What unique mechanisms do you believe SALL4 has in the initiation and progression of cancer?
Professor Daniel G.Tenen:I have to laugh a little bit about how I became interested in it, because i've had a laboratory at Harvard for 40 years, and i've always been interested how genes are regulated, both in normal cells versus cancer cells.
And so, when Li Chai moved from Yale to Harvard and started her own lab at Harvard, I got to know about her work on SALL4. And so she's worked on SALL4 almost her whole career. And to me, SALL4 is a wonderful example of how genes are regulated in normal versus cancer, because it's on when you're an embryo. And it goes off when you're an adult. And then the fact that it comes on again, in people who have cancer is very important. For me, it fits in with my overall interest in gene regulation, both normal and cancer.
So that's how I got interested in SALL4. Because it's a very good example of how this regulation of genes can lead to cancer, as opposed to many genes that people study in cancer. It's generally not mutated very much. The real reason it does bad things because it's been expressed in the wrong cells at the wrong time. And to me, that's always been my interest in science. So it fits. And then I had a good collaborator who was a real expert in everything about SALL4. She studied it for 20 years.




Daniel G.Tenen教授:我认为我们在癌症治疗领域所取得的进展仍显不足,这一现状让我对制药公司有所谴责。他们的首要目标是盈利还是真的致力于治愈疾病、挽救生命?从某种程度上说,如果他们真的治愈了所有人,其盈利空间或许会受到限制。尽管我的言辞略带讽刺,但不可否认的是,制药公司往往倾向于选择研发难度较低的项目。然而,癌症作为一种复杂的疾病,其治疗远非易事。它并非位于细胞表面,而是隐匿于细胞核深处,这无疑增加了治疗的难度。但尽管如此,我们依然能够找到应对之策。在我的演讲中同样提及了这一点,这或许会让大家感到沮丧。




Hematology Frontier:How do you view the research progress in the field of cancer treatment? And how can we encourage more individuals with drug development capabilities to engage in the research and development of innovative drugs?
Professor Daniel G.Tenen:So I don't think we've made as much progress as we should, and I blame the drug companies. Are there to make money? They don't really care if they cure anybody. If they cure everybody, they don't make any money. I'm being a little facetious there, but they like to pick easy targets. This is not quite so easy. It's not on the surface of the cell. It's inside the nucleus. But there are ways of doing that. Or I during my talk, I talked about this, it may be so upset, because a lot of the drug companies, when we talk to them about some of the potential therapies we've developed in the lab, said we want an oral drug, we don't want an injectable.
Guess what most chemotherapy today is still injectable, and guess what all these diabetics. They're very happy to inject themselves. If they have diabetes, people will take a good drug if it's injectable. They don't want to take an injective of it's a bad drug, right? So I blame the drug companies. There's no reason. Now I'm an academic lab. I'm not good at making drugs. I'm good at doing science. I would like to work with more companies to do that. But they wanna pick easy targets where they can make a lot of money. But I always laugh because we have a peptide therapy that actually looks pretty good in the mouse studies. When we talk to the drug companies, we don't want to work on a peptide, it's expensive. We don't want to make it injectable.
I talked about this. People developed these GLP-1 receptor agonists. For people with diabetes. It's an injectable, it's a peptide, and it's made trillions of dollars, because every fat American wants to lose weight the easy way by. Yeah, so there's a good example. They've made trillions apparently already. Then the diabetics can't even get their hands on the drug. So I blame the drug companies. I'm sorry. We're not a drug company, we're an academic institution. They should pick up the ball and run with it. They steal ideas from us if it's easy making money.the Challenge is that get people who know how to make drugs to pick it up and the run with the ball.




Daniel G.Tenen教授:这确实是一件相当引人入胜的事情。我至今仍保留着医疗肿瘤学家的执业资质,或许你们之中有人知晓,自从我接诊最后一位病人以来,已经过去了整整四十年的光阴。我深信,这一研究领域蕴藏着无比巨大的潜力。我们所探讨的是一个在多数正常成年细胞中并不活跃表达的基因。若能研发出具有极高特异性的药物,那么正常细胞与癌细胞之间的治疗指数差异,将会达到一个前所未有的显著水平。



Hematology Frontier:Looking ahead, what trends or directions do you think are worth noting in the research of SALL4 as a cancer treatment target? What key scientific questions need to be addressed in the process of achieving SALL4-targeted therapy?
Professor Daniel G.Tenen:it's kind of funny. I am actually a licensed medical oncologist still. I don't know if you heard me say this. It's been 40 years since i've seen my last patient. I think the potential for this is tremendous. It's a gene that's not on in most normal adult cells. The therapeutic index, meaning the difference between normal and cancer is infinite if you have a very specific drug.
Again, as I said, this isn't my talent developing good molecules that have the right kind of properties to give to people. The drug companies have that. Let him take the ball and run with it right here. I'm gonna hand it to him like a football game, American football game. I'm the quarterback. Here's the ball run with it. But I think it's got tremendous potential. And believe me, if I had a deadly cancer, it's gonna kill me. I'll let someone inject something into my vein.




