华尔街日报 | 韩国年轻人迷上了养石头

文摘   2024-06-11 19:01   湖北  

Lonely, burned-out South Korean youth find peace, companionship and sanity by keeping stones as pets


Lonely, burned-out South Korean youth find peace, companionship and sanity by keeping stones as pets. Nation's exhausted and lonely young find bizarre new ways to stay sane. Reflects trend across Asia in which people seek solace in inanimate objects.

孤独、疲惫的韩国年轻人把石头作为宠物,帮助他们找到了心灵的平静、陪伴和理智。 韩国疲惫且孤独的年轻人正在寻找维持理智的奇怪新方法。 这反映了整个亚洲的趋势:人们在无生命的物体中寻求安慰。

Burned-out youngsters in South Korea are finding comfort and companionship by grooming "pet stones".


Half of the country's population live alone and endure some of the longest working hours in the world, hence there is a constant search to find new ways to relax with company.


Bizarrely, these include the staging of mock funerals by lying in coffins and attending an annual Space-out event in which people compete to be the best at doing nothing.


The latest trend, however, takes strangeness to a new level and involves keeping stones which are given names, talked to and clothed as if they are living creatures. Some owners even place them on a bed and massage them.


In a viral TikTok video, a pet stone is seen being wrapped in a towel, having foundation gently applied, eyebrows attached and given big eyes and lips.

在一段爆火的 TikTok 视频中,主人把一只宠物石头裹在毛巾里,给它轻轻地涂上了粉底,贴上了眉毛,并画上了大眼睛和嘴唇。

One stone owner called Lee, a 30-year-old pharmaceutical researcher, identified her pet as a girl, put eyes on it and made it a winter blanket from an old towel.


"I occasionally complain to my rock about what a tiresome day I have had at work," Lee told the Wall Street Journal.


"There was some sense of serenity, knowing that this natural rock had weathered a lot over the course of time to reach its current state," a 33-year-old Seoul office worker called Koo said.

一位名叫 Koo 的33岁首尔办公室职员表示:“知道这块天然岩石经过长时间的风化才达到现在的状态,心里有一种平静的感觉。”

She named her stone "Bang-bang-i", meaning "jumping in happiness". Koo tucks it in her pocket and takes it with her on her trips to the gym or when going for walks.

她将这块石头命名为“Bang-bang-i”,意思是“幸福地跳跃”。Koo 将它塞进口袋里,健身或散步时都会随身携带。


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苏格拉底有一句名言:我知我无知。说的是,当你认识到的东西越多就越发现自己无知。苏格拉底认为,人对于客观世界的认识是有限的,且不可能完全认识客观世界,并且不应对客观世界刨根究底。神对于世界的规划自有安排,若人一意孤行地探索世界和自然的奥秘,则最终将亵渎甚至触怒神明。正因为人对神所构建的世界不可能实现完全认知,因此那些宣称自己能够认识和改造世界的人,本身便是无知的代言。尽管苏格拉底的关于“ 我知我无知”的观念的解读,在现在看来有失客观科学。但至少苏格拉底告诫人们,人的认知是有限的,现有的知识甚至可能存在错误和疏漏。因此,无论任何时代,我们都必须对自己的无知加以认识并通过不懈的开拓,去更新甚至颠覆固有的知识结构。我们在求学之路上也要报以我知我不知的心态,才能走得更远、终有所成。最后,祝愿每一位考研学子都能顺利上岸!
