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文摘   2024-09-24 09:01   湖北  

‘Better than medication’: prescribing nature works, project shows


A major scheme helping people in England connect with nature led to big improvements in mental health, a report has found. The prescribing of activities in nature to tackle mental ill health has benefited thousands of people across England, a government-backed project has shown.


More than 8,000 people were helped to take part in activities including nature walks, community gardening, tree planting and wild swimming. It is thought to be the largest such project in the world so far.


The results showed that after taking part in the schemes, people's feelings of happiness and of life being worthwhile jumped to near national averages, while levels of anxiety fell significantly. The project also found the cost of a green prescription was about 500 pounds, making it cost-effective compared with other treatments. Cognitive behavioural therapy costs about 1,000 pounds for 10 sessions.


The seven green prescribing pilot projects began in 2020 with 5.7 million pounds of government funding. GPs, mental health teams and social workers referred those in need to the schemes.


Prof Ruth Garside at the University of Exeter, an author of a report on the scheme, said: "Our findings show 'green social prescribing' is an effective way of supporting people with their mental health. But this is just the beginning. There must be an ongoing commitment from policymakers."


"There is an awful lot of demand, both from health services and from a lot of people whose needs are not being met," said Dr Becca Lovell, also at the University of Exeter. Mental health services have been a particularly stretched part of the National Health Service. The seven pilots are expected to get a new round of funding to work on expanding their reach.


"After the group I feel joyful, happy, calm," said a participant in one of the schemes. "I have a sense of achievement and I feel my wellbeing increasing."


Another participant, whose mental ill health is related to trauma, said: "It works better than medication for me. It works better than CBT for me. I have my counselling and that is really valuable, but this is on a par with that."


The participants were assessed before and after taking part in the green prescribing schemes. Their average happiness scores went from 5.3 out of 10 to 7.5 and feelings that life was worthwhile rose from 4.7 to 6.8. Reported levels of anxiety fell from 4.8 to 3.4. One of the sites also used a medical scale to assess anxiety and depression and found a statistically significant improvement in both.


Dr Marion Steiner, a GP in Bristol and part of the pilot project in the west country, said: "Connecting with nature is a lifelong resource with proven benefits for mental and physical health. It can cut through generations of adverse life events."


"But many of the patients I treat can't currently access nature in this way due to a range of personal, social, and cultural barriers. That's why green social prescribing is so important. This project has the potential to reduce a range of prescribing and treatment costs for the NHS, as well as addressing many health needs and lowering the risk of several diseases, from diabetes to depression."


The green prescribing sites were in Humberside, South Yorkshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Manchester, Surrey and the west country. They reached a broad range of people compared with earlier social prescribing schemes, with 21% from ethnic minority populations and 57% from economically deprived areas.



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苏格拉底有一句名言:我知我无知。说的是,当你认识到的东西越多就越发现自己无知。苏格拉底认为,人对于客观世界的认识是有限的,且不可能完全认识客观世界,并且不应对客观世界刨根究底。神对于世界的规划自有安排,若人一意孤行地探索世界和自然的奥秘,则最终将亵渎甚至触怒神明。正因为人对神所构建的世界不可能实现完全认知,因此那些宣称自己能够认识和改造世界的人,本身便是无知的代言。尽管苏格拉底的关于“ 我知我无知”的观念的解读,在现在看来有失客观科学。但至少苏格拉底告诫人们,人的认知是有限的,现有的知识甚至可能存在错误和疏漏。因此,无论任何时代,我们都必须对自己的无知加以认识并通过不懈的开拓,去更新甚至颠覆固有的知识结构。我们在求学之路上也要报以我知我不知的心态,才能走得更远、终有所成。最后,祝愿每一位考研学子都能顺利上岸! 
