Before the holidays, lots of them had ambitious study plans, but as the break nears its close, it's clear those plans never fully materialized. Now, simply finishing the assignments has become a victory in itself.据钱江晚报报道,胡女士的儿子今年刚上初一,在寒假第二天就和家人开启了为期一周的旅行。虽然出发前他紧赶慢赶做了一批作业,想着旅途中每天抽时间学习,结果还是高估了自己。除了每天坚持读十几分钟英语,其他作业基本没动。胡女士说,原本计划除了完成学校作业,还要预习下学期内容,但现在只求能把学校作业写完就行。 来点科技:AI加入战斗
With the workload piling up, some parents have even turned to AI for help. However, the results weren't as expected.
Lin, for example, used Deepseek to generate her child's assignment. After carefully reviewing and adjusting the output, she was confident the answers were perfect, but the teacher still gave it a "B".