
文摘   科学   2024-08-27 08:00   北京  

本期介绍《国际灾害风险科学学报》(International Journal of Disaster Risk Science) 2024年第15卷发表的一篇论文,题目为“尼加拉瓜的热带气旋:历史影响与当代面临的灾害风险第一作者Gema Velásquez-Espinoza来自尼加拉瓜国立自治大学(National Autonomous University of Nicaragua),通讯作者Irasema Alcántara-Ayala来自墨西哥国立自治大学(National Autonomous University of Mexico)。

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Velásquez-Espinoza, G., Alcántara-Ayala, I. Tropical Cyclones in Nicaragua: Historical Impact and Contemporary Exposure to Disaster Risk. Int J Disaster Risk Sci (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13753-024-00581-7


Gema Velásquez-Espinoza & Irasema Alcántara-Ayala 





Tropical Cyclones in Nicaragua: Historical Impact and Contemporary Exposure to Disaster Risk

Gema Velásquez-Espinoza & Irasema Alcántara-Ayala 


In tropical regions such as Nicaragua, the population’s vulnerability to hazards has escalated in recent decades. This increase in vulnerability has led to a surge in disasters, particularly those triggered by intense hurricanes. The implications at the national level are still poorly understood. The aim of this article has, therefore, been two-fold. First, to present a historical review of the direct effects of tropical cyclones on society in Nicaragua from 1852 to 2020. Second, to analyze the statistical probabilities of future hurricane-spawned high winds over Nicaragua. Data on cyclones hitting Nicaragua’s coasts were collected, including direct effects, wind speed, pressure, category, direction, and time of landfall. A database was created to classify intensity based on wind speed and frequency. Between 1852 and 2020, Nicaragua experienced 58 tropical cyclones with varying degrees of intensity between September and November. The trajectories of six past hurricanes were considered here regarding the areas that might have been under potential threat. Three zones of influence were delimited along each trajectory according to three wind intensities and the trajectory of these hurricanes. The consequent exposure of each Nicaraguan department and autonomous region was established. The findings are essential to delimitating priority areas for attention regarding the likely impact of tropical cyclones, mainly category 4 and 5 hurricanes. Public officials and the general public can use these data to identify the pressing need for enhanced strategies to mitigate disaster risk and avoid potential disasters.


Exposure, Historical impact, Hurricanes, Nicaragua, Tropical cyclones, Vulnerability



International Journal of Disaster Risk Science《国际灾害风险科学学报》是由北京师范大学主办的英文学术期刊,由Springer开放获取出版,欢迎关注和投稿。