周五讲座| Olivier Deschenes:Equity Impacts of a Market for Clean Air

文摘   2024-02-07 16:22   中国香港  


Seminars on Environmental Economics and Policy

Equity Impacts of a Market for Clean Air

时间2024年2月9日周五)早上10:00–11:30 (北京时间)

主讲人 Olivier Deschenes,加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校教授 



This paper studies the distribution of benefits from the EPA's NOx Budget Program, a seasonal cap-and-trade market for NOx emissions. We use electricity generating unit-level data together with a triple difference estimator, a new empirical method to estimate heterogeneous treatment effects, and an air pollution transport model to estimate the market's impacts on ambient concentration of fine particulate matter. We find that the market improved equity outcomes by reducing the Black-white disparity in electricity sector air pollution. Replacing the market with a counterfactual policy where all coal units reduce their emissions by the same percentage leads to fewer avoided deaths and worse equity outcomes compared to the market based policy.


Olivier Deschenes is Professor of Economics at the University of California Santa Barbara, where he is also affiliated with the Bren School of Environmental Science and Management. He is also Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), a Research Fellow at the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), and Program Coordinator of IZA’s research area on the Environment, Health, and Labor Markets. He holds a PhD in Economics from Princeton University.

Deschenes' broad research agenda focuses on measuring the benefits and costs associated with policies that improve environmental quality. His recent research focused on estimating the impacts of climate change on human health and economic productivity in the U.S. and around the world using historical data. His ongoing work examines the economic and environmental effects of green energy transitions, the relationship between extreme temperature and health, the effect of temperature and ambient pollution fluctuations on worker productivity and health, and the costs and benefits of climate change adaptation.


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