
文摘   2023-11-24 21:17   中国香港  

以下文章来源于山河随想录 ,作者山河随想录



最近时值毕业/失学季,闲暇时间颇多,索性抽出了一些时间,细细整理了一下自己的EndNote,发现本科四年下来,不知不觉间存下的论文/书籍也已经有2000多篇,仔细看看在诸多分类里,还是Environmental Economics和Development Economics这两个子分类最多,这和个人的兴趣还是大体相符的,但仔细想想,虽然读了不少文章,但绝大多数还是empirical类,除了少数一些经典外,大部分已经早已不在记忆中,于是稍微理了一下EndNote中的文献,并且分门别类整理在这里。

我读的书和文献不多,且由于个人能力所限,领域比较窄,基本不涉及模型和理论,大多数为empirical的文章,请谨慎参阅。在这里,我所收藏的Env Econ文章一共是183篇,我排除了其中的Working Paper和咖位略低一些的期刊,只保留了124篇发表在field top(JEEM)及以上层次的文章,主要集中在Top5、JDE、REStat、EJ、JEEM等杂志上,当然,还有一些很好的文章虽然发表的期刊比较一般,但也非常精彩,不过我在此没有列出来,但并不影响这些文章本身的精彩性;另外,有一些和其它领域比如development重合的文章,我也没有列在这里了。还需要说的是,这些文章我虽然读过大部分,但并非每篇都有精读,精读过的也忘了大半,如有错漏,也请批评指正~

我将这些文献分为【Economic Outcomes of Pollution】、【Effects and Adaptation of Climate Change】、【Costs and Benefits of Environmental Regulation】三大类,每一大类下又有若干小的分类,供诸君参考。如需下载PDF版本,在公众号内回复"数据2"即可。

Economic Outcomes of Pollution


① 空气污染与死亡

[1] Chay K Y, Greenstone M. The impact of air pollution on infant mortality: evidence from geographic variation in pollution shocks induced by a recession[J]. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2003, 118(3): 1121-1167. 简介:利用美国1981-1982年大萧条期间的空气污染TSP减少,发现空气污染降低了婴儿死亡率。

[2] Chen Y, Ebenstein A, Greenstone M, et al. Evidence on the impact of sustained exposure to air pollution on life expectancy from China’s Huai River policy[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2013, 110(32): 12936-12941. 简介:利用中国的北方供暖政策和秦岭-淮河断点,发现空气污染导致中国北方居民人均寿命大幅度下降。

[3] Greenstone M, Hanna R. Environmental regulations, air and water pollution, and infant mortality in India[J]. American Economic Review, 2014, 104(10): 3038-72. 简介:利用印度的环境规制、污染和婴儿死亡率数据,发现空气污染规制显著降低了污染,但水污染规制效果不佳,空气质量改善降低了婴儿死亡率。

[4] Tanaka S. Environmental regulations on air pollution in China and their impact on infant mortality[J]. Journal of health economics, 2015, 42: 90-103. 简介:利用1998年中国“两控区”的环境规制,发现“两控区”对空气质量的改善降低了区域内的婴儿死亡率。

[5] Arceo E, Hanna R, Oliva P. Does the effect of pollution on infant mortality differ between developing and developed countries? Evidence from Mexico City[J]. The Economic Journal, 2016, 126(591): 257-280. 简介:使用墨西哥的数据发现,PM10对婴儿死亡率的影响与美国类似,CO的影响高于美国。

[6] He G, Fan M, Zhou M. The effect of air pollution on mortality in China: Evidence from the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games[J]. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2016, 79: 18-39. 简介:利用2008年北京奥运会期间北京市空气污染的外生变化,发现PM10的降低显著降低了北京市的全因死亡率。

[7] Knittel C R, Miller D L, Sanders N J. Caution, drivers! Children present: Traffic, pollution, and infant health[J]. Review of Economics and Statistics, 2016, 98(2): 350-366. 简介:利用加利福尼亚州2002-2007年的交通拥堵数据和婴儿死亡率数据,发现颗粒物尤其是CO提高了婴儿死亡率,降低了健康水平。

[8] Cesur R, Tekin E, Ulker A. Air pollution and infant mortality: evidence from the expansion of natural gas infrastructure[J]. The Economic Journal, 2017, 127(600): 330-362. 简介:利用土耳其天然气基础设施的扩张,发现这一基础设施可以降低空气污染,减少婴儿死亡率。

[9] Deschenes O, Greenstone M, Shapiro J S. Defensive investments and the demand for air quality: Evidence from the NOx budget program[J]. American Economic Review, 2017, 107(10): 2958-89. 简介:利用美国2003年的氮氧化物预算交易项目,发现这一项目降低了居民购买处方药的支出,也降低了死亡率。

[10] Ebenstein A, Fan M, Greenstone M, et al. New evidence on the impact of sustained exposure to air pollution on life expectancy from China’s Huai River Policy[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2017, 114(39): 10384-10389. 简介:利用中国的北方供暖政策和秦岭-淮河断点,发现空气污染导致中国北方居民人均寿命大幅度下降,注意和2013年的文章有所区别。

[11] Beach B, Hanlon W W. Coal smoke and mortality in an early industrial economy[J]. The Economic Journal, 2018, 128(615): 2652-2675. 简介:构建了英国1851-1860年间的煤矿使用程度,发现煤矿使用大幅度提高了婴儿的出生死亡率。

[12] Deryugina T, Heutel G, Miller N H, et al. The mortality and medical costs of air pollution: Evidence from changes in wind direction[J]. American Economic Review, 2019, 109(12): 4178-4219. 简介:利用美国医疗数据发现,细颗粒物暴露会提高老年人的死亡率和医疗支出。

[13] Rangel M A, Vogl T S. Agricultural fires and health at birth[J]. Review of Economics and Statistics, 2019, 101(4): 616-630. 简介:利用巴西数据发现,甘蔗收割后秸秆焚烧的污染暴露会提高婴儿死亡率和出生后的健康水平。

[14] Anderson M L. As the wind blows: The effects of long-term exposure to air pollution on mortality[J]. Journal of the European Economic Association, 2020, 18(4): 1886-1927. 简介:利用洛杉矶的数据发现,暴露于高速公路产生的空气污染下提高了成年人的死亡率。

[15] He G, Liu T, Zhou M. Straw burning, PM2.5, and death: Evidence from China[J]. Journal of Development Economics, 2020, 145: 102468. 简介:利用中国的秸秆焚烧数据和死因监测点数据,发现秸秆焚烧引发的空气污染提高了全因死亡率。

② 空气污染与健康(非死亡)

[16] Moretti E, Neidell M. Pollution, health, and avoidance behavior evidence from the ports of Los Angeles[J]. Journal of Human Resources, 2011, 46(1): 154-175. 简介:使用洛杉矶的臭氧和健康数据,发现臭氧污染会增加住院成本,但人们的规避行为可以缓解这一效应。

[17] Schlenker W, Walker W R. Airports, air pollution, and contemporaneous health[J]. The Review of Economic Studies, 2016, 83(2): 768-809. 简介:利用美国12个大型机场附近社区的健康数据,发现机场飞机的CO排放会显著提高哮喘等的发病率。

[18] Zhang X, Zhang X, Chen X. Happiness in the air: How does a dirty sky affect mental health and subjective well-being?[J]. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2017, 85: 81-94. 简介:利用中国的调查数据,发现空气污染会降低受访者的主观幸福感。

[19] Zhong N, Cao J, Wang Y. Traffic congestion, ambient air pollution, and health: Evidence from driving restrictions in Beijing[J]. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 2017, 4(3): 821-856. 简介:利用北京的车牌限行政策,发现交通拥堵提高了空气污染和发病率。

[20] Chen S, Guo C, Huang X. Air pollution, student health, and school absences: Evidence from China[J]. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2018, 92: 465-497. 简介:利用中国广州市学校的请假数据,发现空气污染会提高学生的病假比例。

[21] Heyes A, Zhu M. Air pollution as a cause of sleeplessness: Social media evidence from a panel of Chinese cities[J]. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2019, 98: 102247. 简介:利用中国的微博数据发现,严重的空气污染会增加失眠。

[22] Zheng S, Wang J, Sun C, et al. Air pollution lowers Chinese urbanites’ expressed happiness on social media[J]. Nature Human Behavior, 2019, 3(3): 237-243. 简介:利用两亿条新浪微博数据发现,空气污染会降低幸福感。

[23] Deschenes O, Wang H, Wang S, et al. The effect of air pollution on body weight and obesity: evidence from China[J]. Journal of Development Economics, 2020, 145: 102461. 简介:利用中国调查数据发现,空气污染会提高肥胖率。

[24] Balietti A, Datta S, Veljanoska S. Air pollution and child development in India[J]. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2022, 113: 102624. 简介:利用印度数据发现,严重的空气污染会增加儿童出现发育障碍的可能性。

③ 空气污染与学习/认知

[25] Ebenstein A, Lavy V, Roth S. The long-run economic consequences of high-stakes examinations: Evidence from transitory variation in pollution[J]. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2016, 8(4): 36-65. 简介:利用2000-2002年间以色列学生的大学入学考试数据发现,PM2.5暴露对学生成绩有显著负面影响。

[26] Stafford T M. Indoor air quality and academic performance[J]. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2015, 70: 34-50. 简介:利用德克萨斯州的一个准自然实验,发现学校室内空气污染改善提高了学生的成绩表现。

[27] Bharadwaj P, Gibson M, Zivin J G, et al. Gray matters: Fetal pollution exposure and human capital formation[J]. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 2017, 4(2): 505-542. 简介:利用智利的数据发现,胎儿时期的空气污染暴露会降低其之后的学习成绩。

[28] Archsmith J, Heyes A, Saberian S. Air quality and error quantity: Pollution and performance in a high-skilled, quality-focused occupation[J]. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 2018, 5(4): 827-863. 简介:使用美国的棒球裁判员数据发现,空气污染提高了他们的错误发生率。

[29] Zhang X, Chen X, Zhang X. The impact of exposure to air pollution on cognitive performance[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2018, 115(37): 9193-9197. 简介:利用中国调查数据发现,空气污染长期暴露对语言和数学测试中的认知能力有损伤。

[30] Zivin J G, Liu T, Song Y, et al. The unintended impacts of agricultural fires: Human capital in China[J]. Journal of Development Economics, 2020, 147: 102560. 简介:利用中国的秸秆焚烧数据和高考数据,发现秸秆焚烧引发的空气污染会影响高考成绩。

④ 空气污染与劳动

[31] Graff Zivin J, Neidell M. The impact of pollution on worker productivity[J]. American Economic Review, 2012, 102(7): 3652-73. 简介:使用一个农场的数据,发现臭氧浓度升高会降低农业工人的劳动生产率。

[32] Hanna R, Oliva P. The effect of pollution on labor supply: Evidence from a natural experiment in Mexico City[J]. Journal of Public Economics, 2015, 122: 68-79. 简介:利用墨西哥城炼油厂关闭的自然实验,发现空气污染减少可以提高工人工作时间。

[33] Chang T, Graff Zivin J, Gross T, et al. Particulate pollution and the productivity of pear packers[J]. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2016, 8(3): 141-69. 简介:利用一家制造业工厂的数据发现,室外污染上升会降低室内劳动工人的生产率,且影响主要是由能穿透到室内的PM2.5而非不能穿透的O3造成。

[34] Aragón F M, Rud J P. Polluting industries and agricultural productivity: Evidence from mining in Ghana[J]. The Economic Journal, 2016, 126(597): 1980-2011. 简介:利用加纳的金矿数据,发现金矿的排放尤其是NO2会降低周边地区的农业生产率。

[35] Chang T Y, Graff Zivin J, Gross T, et al. The effect of pollution on worker productivity: evidence from call center workers in China[J]. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2019, 11(1): 151-72. 简介:利用中国某电话拨号中心数据,发现空气污染会降低拨号工人的劳动生产率。

[36] He J, Liu H, Salvo A. Severe air pollution and labor productivity: Evidence from industrial towns in China[J]. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2019, 11(1): 173-201. 简介:利用中国两家纺织工厂的工人数据,发现空气污染会提高后面一些天的工人生产率,但是当期影响不显著。

[37] Fu S, Viard V B, Zhang P. Air pollution and manufacturing firm productivity: Nationwide estimates for China[J]. The Economic Journal, 2021, 131(640): 3241-3273. 简介:利用中国的工业企业数据,发现空气污染会降低工业企业工人的劳动生产率。

[38] Wang C, Lin Q, Qiu Y. Productivity loss amid invisible pollution[J]. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2022, 112: 102638. 简介:使用中国快递行业的数据,发现臭氧污染降低了快递工人的劳动生产率。

⑤ 空气污染的感知/规避行为与WTP估计

[39] Bayer P, Keohane N, Timmins C. Migration and hedonic valuation: The case of air quality[J]. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2009, 58(1): 1-14. 简介:利用美国的迁徙和空气污染数据,评估了人们对于空气污染的支付意愿。

[40] Moretti E, Neidell M. Pollution, health, and avoidance behavior evidence from the ports of Los Angeles[J]. Journal of Human Resources, 2011, 46(1): 154-175. 简介:使用洛杉矶的臭氧和健康数据,发现臭氧污染会增加住院成本,但人们的规避行为可以缓解这一效应。

[41] Wrenn D H, Klaiber H A, Jaenicke E C. Unconventional shale gas development, risk perceptions, and averting behavior: Evidence from bottled water purchases[J]. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 2016, 3(4): 779-817. 简介:使用宾夕法尼亚州数据发现,页岩气开发会使得人们产生风险感知,从而增加饮用水的消费以规避可能的污染。

[42] Deschenes O, Greenstone M, Shapiro J S. Defensive investments and the demand for air quality: Evidence from the NOx budget program[J]. American Economic Review, 2017, 107(10): 2958-89. 简介:利用美国2003年的氮氧化物预算交易项目,发现这一项目降低了居民购买处方药的支出,也降低了死亡率。

[43] Chang T Y, Huang W, Wang Y. Something in the air: Pollution and the demand for health insurance[J]. The Review of Economic Studies, 2018, 85(3): 1609-1634. 简介:利用中国的保险数据,发现空气污染会提高人们对保险的购买。

[44] Zhang J, Mu Q. Air pollution and defensive expenditures: Evidence from particulate-filtering facemasks[J]. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2018, 92: 517-536. 简介:利用中国数据发现,空气污染增加了中国居民在口罩上的防护性支出。

[45] Freeman R, Liang W, Song R, et al. Willingness to pay for clean air in China[J]. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2019, 94: 188-216. 简介:利用中国的人口普查数据和卫星数据,估算了中国居民对清洁空气的支付意愿。

[46] Ito K, Zhang S. Willingness to pay for clean air: Evidence from air purifier markets in China[J]. Journal of Political Economy, 2020, 128(5): 1627-1672. 简介:利用中国的空气净化器市场数据,估计了中国家庭对清洁空气的支付意愿。

[47] Tu M, Zhang B, Xu J, et al. Mass media, information and demand for environmental quality: Evidence from the “Under the Dome”[J]. Journal of Development Economics, 2020, 143: 102402. 简介:利用在中国南京市的调查数据,发现纪录片“穹顶之下”提高了人们对污染改善的支付意愿。

⑥ 空气污染与迁徙

[48] Qin Y, Zhu H. Run away? Air pollution and emigration interests in China[J]. Journal of Population Economics, 2018, 31(1): 235-266. 简介:利用中国的百度指数数据,发现中国空气污染的恶化可能会增加居民的移民意愿。

[49] Chen S, Chen Y, Lei Z, et al. Impact of air pollution on short-term movements: evidence from air travels in China[J]. Journal of Economic Geography, 2020, 20(4): 939-968. 简介:利用北京市某机场数据发现,空气污染增加会使得飞往外地人数增多。

[50] Chen S, Chen Y, Lei Z, et al. Chasing clean air: Pollution-induced travels in China[J]. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 2021, 8(1): 59-89. 简介:利用中国的手机信号数据,发现空气污染增加了短期内高污染城市向低污染城市的人口流动。

[51] Xue S, Zhang B, Zhao X. Brain drain: The impact of air pollution on firm performance[J]. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2021, 110: 102546. 简介:利用中国数据发现,空气污染严重会使得高技能人才流出。

[52] Chen S, Oliva P, Zhang P. The effect of air pollution on migration: evidence from China[J]. Journal of Development Economics, 2022, 156: 102833. 简介:利用中国的人口普查数据发现,地区的空气污染增加会增加其人口流出。

⑦ 空气污染与犯罪

[53] Bondy M, Roth S, Sager L. Crime is in the air: The contemporaneous relationship between air pollution and crime[J]. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 2020, 7(3): 555-585. 简介:利用伦敦市2004-2005年的数据发现,空气污染会提高受影响人群的犯罪率。

[54] Herrnstadt E, Heyes A, Muehlegger E, et al. Air pollution and criminal activity: Microgeographic evidence from Chicago[J]. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2021, 13(4): 70-100. 简介:使用2001-2012年间芝加哥的数据,发现空气污染会提高暴力犯罪的数量。


[55] Ebenstein A. The consequences of industrialization: evidence from water pollution and digestive cancers in China[J]. Review of Economics and Statistics, 2012, 94(1): 186-201. 简介:利用中国的流域污染数据和癌症数据,发现水污染会显著提高消化道癌症的发病率。

[56] Zhang J, Xu L C. The long-run effects of treated water on education: The rural drinking water program in China[J]. Journal of Development Economics, 2016, 122: 1-15. 简介:利用中国1980年代的水处理项目,发现这一项目提高了农村儿童的受教育水平。

[57] Lai W. Pesticide use and health outcomes: Evidence from agricultural water pollution in China[J]. Journal of environmental economics and management, 2017, 86: 93-120. 简介:利用中国的数据发现,农药的使用会引起饮用水水污染,从而降低居民健康水平。


[58] Fan Y, Teo H P, Wan W X. Public transport, noise complaints, and housing: Evidence from sentiment analysis in Singapore[J]. Journal of Regional Science, 2021, 61(3): 570-596. 简介:利用新加坡噪声投诉和公交线路数据,发现噪声污染降低房价。

[59] Reyes J W. Environmental policy as social policy? The impact of childhood lead exposure on crime[J]. The BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 2007, 7(1). 简介:利用1977年清洁空气法案对汽油含铅量的限制,发现儿童时期的铅暴露下降可以降低犯罪率。

[60] Fu S, Gu Y. Highway toll and air pollution: Evidence from Chinese cities[J]. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2017, 83: 32-49. 简介:利用中国2012年国庆期间高速公路免收通行费的政策,发现这一政策增加了空气污染,降低了公路能见度。

[61] Zhong N, Cao J, Wang Y. Traffic congestion, ambient air pollution, and health: Evidence from driving restrictions in Beijing[J]. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 2017, 4(3): 821-856. 简介:利用北京的车牌限行政策和,发现交通拥堵提高了空气污染和发病率。

[62] Li S, Liu Y, Purevjav A O, et al. Does subway expansion improve air quality?[J]. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2019, 96: 213-235. 简介:利用北京市的数据,发现地铁的扩建改善了空气质量。

[63] Marcus M. Going beneath the surface: Petroleum pollution, regulation, and health[J]. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2021, 13(1): 1-37. 简介:利用美国数据发现,孕期暴露于地下石油泄漏会增加低出生体重和早产的可能性。

Effects and Adaptation of Climate Change


[64] Deschênes O, Greenstone M. The economic impacts of climate change: evidence from agricultural output and random fluctuations in weather[J]. American Economic Review, 2007, 97(1): 354-385. 简介:利用美国气候数据与农业产值数据,发现气候变化对农业生产收益有正面影响。

[65] Dell M, Jones B F, Olken B A. Temperature shocks and economic growth: Evidence from the last half century[J]. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2012, 4(3): 66-95. 简介:利用多年数据发现,温度较高的国家整体上增长率和工农业产出较低,社会稳定性更差。

[66] Zhang P, Deschenes O, Meng K, et al. Temperature effects on productivity and factor reallocation: Evidence from a half million Chinese manufacturing plants[J]. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2018, 88: 1-17. 简介:利用中国的工企数据发现,气温与企业TFP之间存在倒U型关系。

[67] Aragón F M, Oteiza F, Rud J P. Climate change and agriculture: subsistence farmers' response to extreme heat[J]. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2021, 13(1): 1-35. 简介:使用秘鲁的数据发现,高温会降低农业产出、扩大种植面积和改变作物结构。


[68] Burke M B, Miguel E, Satyanath S, et al. Warming increases the risk of civil war in Africa[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2009, 106(49): 20670-20674. 简介:利用撒哈拉以南非洲的气候数据和冲突数据,发现气温变暖会增加武装冲突的发生。

[69] Ranson M. Crime, weather, and climate change[J]. Journal of environmental economics and management, 2014, 67(3): 274-302.简介:利用美国30年间的县级数据,发现温度上升会提高犯罪率。


[70] Deschênes O, Greenstone M. Climate change, mortality, and adaptation: Evidence from annual fluctuations in weather in the US[J]. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2011, 3(4): 152-85. 简介:利用美国的气温、死亡率和能源消费数据,发现极端高温会使死亡率和能源消费上升。

[71] Barreca A, Clay K, Deschenes O, et al. Adapting to climate change: The remarkable decline in the US temperature-mortality relationship over the twentieth century[J]. Journal of Political Economy, 2016, 124(1): 105-159. 简介:使用美国20世纪的数据发现,气候变化对死亡率的影响正在逐渐下降,即人们正在适应气候变化。


[72] Marchiori L, Maystadt J F, Schumacher I. The impact of weather anomalies on migration in sub-Saharan Africa[J]. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2012, 63(3): 355-374. 简介:使用撒哈拉以南非洲的温度和迁徙数据,发现气候异常会从两个渠道增强国内和国际迁徙。

[73] Cai R, Feng S, Oppenheimer M, et al. Climate variability and international migration: The importance of the agricultural linkage[J]. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2016, 79: 135-151. 简介:利用跨国数据发现,气候变化对迁徙的作用主要体现在农业主导的地区,即其对农业生产的影响是关键机制。

[74] Cattaneo C, Peri G. The migration response to increasing temperatures[J]. Journal of development economics, 2016, 122: 127-146. 简介:利用跨国数据发现,高温会促进中等收入国家人口向国外移民和农村向城市流动,在低收入国家则相反。

[75] Jessoe K, Manning D T, Taylor J E. Climate change and labour allocation in rural Mexico: Evidence from annual fluctuations in weather[J]. The Economic Journal, 2018, 128(608): 230-261. 简介:利用墨西哥调查数据和气候数据发现,极端高温会减少人们在本地的劳动时间,增加农村向城市的迁徙和向美国的迁徙。


[76] Graff Zivin J, Neidell M. Temperature and the allocation of time: Implications for climate change[J]. Journal of Labor Economics, 2014, 32(1): 1-26. 简介:使用2003-2006年美国时间利用调查数据,发现极端天气会调整人们时间在工作和休闲之间的分配,以及室内休闲和室外休闲之间的分配。

[77] Jessoe K, Manning D T, Taylor J E. Climate change and labour allocation in rural Mexico: Evidence from annual fluctuations in weather[J]. The Economic Journal, 2018, 128(608): 230-261. 简介:利用墨西哥调查数据和气候数据发现,极端高温会减少人们在本地的劳动时间,增加农村向城市的迁徙和向美国的迁徙。


[78] Cho H. The effects of summer heat on academic achievement: a cohort analysis[J]. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2017, 83: 185-196. 简介:利用韩国的考试数据和气温数据,发现高温会降低测试成绩。

[79] Isen A, Rossin-Slater M, Walker R. Relationship between season of birth, temperature exposure, and later life wellbeing[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2017, 114(51): 13447-13452. 简介:利用美国的微观数据发现,在母体期间和出生后的高温暴露会降低成年后的收入。

[80] Graff Zivin J, Hsiang S M, Neidell M. Temperature and human capital in the short and long run[J]. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 2018, 5(1): 77-105. 简介:使用美国的调查数据发现,高温暴露会降低短期和长期认知能力,但是长期的效果远小于短期。

[81] Park R J, Goodman J, Hurwitz M, et al. Heat and learning[J]. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2020, 12(2): 306-39. 简介:使用美国考试成绩发现,高温会降低学生的学习能力和之后的考试成绩。

[82] Zivin J G, Song Y, Tang Q, et al. Temperature and high-stakes cognitive performance: Evidence from the national college entrance examination in China[J]. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2020, 104: 102365. 简介:利用中国的高考数据,发现高温会降低学生的高考成绩。

Cost and Benefit of Environmental Regulation


① 环境规制与劳动/就业

[83] Berman E, Bui L T M. Environmental regulation and labor demand: Evidence from the south coast air basin[J]. Journal of Public Economics, 2001, 79(2): 265-295. 简介:利用洛杉矶的SO2环境规制,发现环境规制并没有显著影响就业。

[84] Greenstone M. The impacts of environmental regulations on industrial activity: Evidence from the 1970 and 1977 clean air act amendments and the census of manufactures[J]. Journal of political economy, 2002, 110(6): 1175-1219. 简介:利用美国1977年清洁空气法案修正案和工业普查数据发现,环境规制使规制地区污染企业的就业、企业资本存量、经济产出下降。

[85] Walker W R. Environmental regulation and labor reallocation: Evidence from the Clean Air Act[J]. American Economic Review, 2011, 101(3): 442-47. 简介:利用1990年清洁空气法案修正案和工业企业数据发现,环境规制降低了就业,且主要是通过裁员而非减少新的招聘进行的。

[86] Walker W R. The transitional costs of sectoral reallocation: Evidence from the clean air act and the workforce[J]. The Quarterly journal of economics, 2013, 128(4): 1787-1835. 简介:利用美国1990年清洁空气法案修正案和工厂层面数据,发现环境规制使受规制企业的工人承受了较大的劳动力转移成本。

[87] Gray W B, Shadbegian R J, Wang C, et al. Do EPA regulations affect labor demand? Evidence from the pulp and paper industry[J]. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2014, 68(1): 188-202. 简介:使用1997年EPA对纸浆和造纸行业的环境规制,发现环境规制对就业影响不大。

[88] Viard V B, Fu S. The effect of Beijing's driving restrictions on pollution and economic activity[J]. Journal of Public Economics, 2015, 125: 98-115. 简介:利用空气污染和电视收视数据,发现北京市的私家车限行政策减少了其空气污染,同时减少了自由劳动者的劳动时间供给。

[89] Greenstone M. The impacts of environmental regulations on industrial activity: Evidence from the 1970 and 1977 clean air act amendments and the census of manufactures[J]. Journal of political economy, 2002, 110(6): 1175-1219. 简介:利用美国1977年清洁空气法案修正案和工业普查数据发现,环境规制使规制地区污染企业的就业、企业资本存量、经济产出下降。

[90] Liu M, Shadbegian R, Zhang B. Does environmental regulation affect labor demand in China? Evidence from the textile printing and dyeing industry[J]. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2017, 86: 277-294. 简介:利用中国太湖环境政策发现,环境规制降低了纺织和印染行业的劳动力需求。

[91] Curtis E M. Who loses under cap-and-trade programs? The labor market effects of the NOx budget trading program[J]. Review of Economics and Statistics, 2018, 100(1): 151-166. 简介:利用美国2003年氮氧化物预算交易项目,发现这一项目降低了企业的劳动力需求,主要体现为减少招聘而非增加解雇。

[92]Liu M, Tan R, Zhang B. The costs of “blue sky”: Environmental regulation, technology upgrading, and labor demand in China[J]. Journal of Development Economics, 2021, 150: 102610. 简介:利用中国的“大气污染防治重点城市”政策发现,环境规制降低了制造业企业的就业水平。

② 环境规制与经济产出/生产率

[93] Calel R, Dechezleprêtre A. Environmental policy and directed technological change: evidence from the European carbon market[J]. Review of economics and statistics, 2016, 98(1): 173-191. 简介:利用2005年欧盟统一碳市场的准自然实验发现,这一环境政策促进了低碳领域的技术创新。

[94] Cui J, Zhang J, Zheng Y. Carbon pricing induces innovation: evidence from China's regional carbon market pilots[C]//AEA Papers and Proceedings. 2018, 108: 453-57. 简介:利用中国2011启动的碳市场试点政策,发现碳市场促进了低碳技术创新。

[95] Shapiro J S, Walker R. Why is pollution from US manufacturing declining? The roles of environmental regulation, productivity, and trade[J]. American Economic Review, 2018, 108(12): 3814-54. 简介:文章发现1990-2008年间美国制造业企业的污染排放减少,主要是由于产品生产的污染密度下降所致,其原因在于这一期间企业面临的环境规制使得排放成本大幅度上升。

[96] Wang C, Wu J J, Zhang B. Environmental regulation, emissions and productivity: Evidence from Chinese COD-emitting manufacturers[J]. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2018, 92: 54-73. 简介:利用中国“三河三湖”强制要求COD减排的政策,发现这一规制虽然要求很多小型污染企业关停,但不影响剩余企业的生产率。

[97] He G, Wang S, Zhang B. Watering down environmental regulation in China[J]. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2020, 135(4): 2135-2185. 简介:利用中国的企业数据,发现环境规制降低了企业的全要素生产率。

③ 环境规制与污染避难所

[98] List J A, Millimet D L, Fredriksson P G, et al. Effects of environmental regulations on manufacturing plant births: evidence from a propensity score matching estimator[J]. Review of Economics and Statistics, 2003, 85(4): 944-952. 简介:利用纽约州1980-1990年的数据发现,企业在进入时会对环境规制做出反应。

[99] Kahn M E. Domestic pollution havens: Evidence from cancer deaths in border counties[J]. Journal of Urban Economics, 2004, 56(1): 51-69.简介:利用美墨边境和美加边境的癌症发病数据,研究了污染的跨境转移问题。

[100] Hering L, Poncet S. Environmental policy and exports: Evidence from Chinese cities[J]. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2014, 68(2): 296-318. 简介:利用中国的环境规制和出口数据,发现环境规制降低了出口,且主要体现在私营企业方面。

[101] Cai X, Lu Y, Wu M, et al. Does environmental regulation drive away inbound foreign direct investment? Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in China[J]. Journal of Development Economics, 2016, 123: 73-85. 简介:利用中国数据和1998年“两控区”政策发现,环境规制减少了区域的FDI流入。

[102] Wu H, Guo H, Zhang B, et al. Westward movement of new polluting firms in China: Pollution reduction mandates and location choice[J]. Journal of Comparative Economics, 2017, 45(1): 119-138. 简介:利用中国的数据发现,环境规制的增强使得污染企业由东部向西部转移。

[103] Chen Z, Kahn M E, Liu Y, et al. The consequences of spatially differentiated water pollution regulation in China[J]. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2018, 88: 468-485.简介:利用中国的数据发现,在区域异质性的环境规制下,污染产业向规制较松的上游区域转移。


① 环境规制的直接效果

[104] Viard V B, Fu S. The effect of Beijing's driving restrictions on pollution and economic activity[J]. Journal of Public Economics, 2015, 125: 98-115. 简介:利用空气污染和电视收视数据,发现北京市的私家车限行政策减少了其空气污染,同时减少了自由劳动者的劳动时间供给。

[105] Karplus V J, Zhang S, Almond D. Quantifying coal power plant responses to tighter SO2 emissions standards in China[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2018, 115(27): 7004-7009. 简介:研究了中国2014年SO2环境规制的效果,发现这一规制减少了SO2排放,但面临高强度规制的工厂可能会操控数据。

[106] Zhang B, Chen X, Guo H. Does central supervision enhance local environmental enforcement? Quasi-experimental evidence from China[J]. Journal of Public Economics, 2018, 164: 70-90. 简介:评估了中国“中央重点监控企业”政策的效果,发现这一政策显著降低了被监控企业的COD排放。

[107] Li P, Lu Y, Wang J. The effects of fuel standards on air pollution: Evidence from China[J]. Journal of Development Economics, 2020, 146: 102488. 简介:利用中国的数据发现,汽油标准的提高显著改善了环境质量。

[108] Liang Y, Rudik I, Zou E Y, et al. Conservation cobenefits from air pollution regulation: Evidence from birds[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020, 117(49): 30900-30906. 简介:利用美国数据发现,环境规制下臭氧排放的减少避免了鸟类数量的下降,这篇有点特殊先放这里了。

[109] Cui J, Wang C, Zhang J, et al. The effectiveness of China’s regional carbon market pilots in reducing firm emissions[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2021, 118(52): e2109912118. 简介:利用中国的区域碳市场试点政策发现,这一政策降低了企业碳排放,减少了企业的就业与资本投入但同时提高了生产率,对整体的经济产出没有显著影响。

② 环境规制与健康

[110] Greenstone M, Hanna R. Environmental regulations, air and water pollution, and infant mortality in India[J]. American Economic Review, 2014, 104(10): 3038-72. 简介:利用印度的环境规制、污染和婴儿死亡率数据,发现空气污染规制显著降低了污染,但水污染规制效果不佳,空气质量改善降低了婴儿死亡率。

[111] Currie J, Davis L, Greenstone M, et al. Environmental health risks and housing values: evidence from 1,600 toxic plant openings and closings[J]. American Economic Review, 2015, 105(2): 678-709. 简介:利用有毒工厂开工和关闭数据,发现有毒工厂污染排放会提高周边空气污染、降低房价,降低婴儿出生体重。

[112] Tanaka S. Environmental regulations on air pollution in China and their impact on infant mortality[J]. Journal of health economics, 2015, 42: 90-103. 简介:利用1998年中国“两控区”的环境规制,发现“两控区”对空气质量的改善降低了区域内的婴儿死亡率。

③ 环境规制与房价

[113] Chay K Y, Greenstone M. Does air quality matter? Evidence from the housing market[J]. Journal of political Economy, 2005, 113(2): 376-424. 简介:利用1977年美国清洁空气法案修订,发现房价对空气污染TSP有负面响应。

[114] Bento A, Freedman M, Lang C. Who benefits from environmental regulation? Evidence from the Clean Air Act Amendments[J]. Review of Economics and Statistics, 2015, 97(3): 610-622. 简介:利用1990年清洁空气法案修正案数据和房价数据发现,收入最低的穷人家庭从空气质量改善中收益最多。

[115] Currie J, Davis L, Greenstone M, et al. Environmental health risks and housing values: evidence from 1,600 toxic plant openings and closings[J]. American Economic Review, 2015, 105(2): 678-709. 简介:利用有毒工厂开工和关闭数据,发现有毒工厂污染排放会提高周边空气污染、降低房价,降低婴儿出生体重。


[116] Duflo E, Greenstone M, Pande R, et al. Truth-telling by third-party auditors and the response of polluting firms: Experimental evidence from India[J]. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2013, 128(4): 1499-1545. 简介:利用印度的实验数据,发现第三方排放审计可以有效减少审计合谋与改善企业的排放行为。

[117] Ghanem D, Zhang J. ‘Effortless Perfection:’Do Chinese cities manipulate air pollution data?[J]. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2014, 68(2): 203-225. 简介:利用2000-2010年中国的空气污染数据,发现中国的许多城市存在操控空气污染报告数据的行为。

[118] Kahn M E, Li P, Zhao D. Water pollution progress at borders: the role of changes in China's political promotion incentives[J]. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2015, 7(4): 223-42. 简介:利用中国2007年附近的政治晋升激励政策变动,研究发现晋升激励和惩罚可以显著改善省界处的河流环境状况。

[119] Cai H, Chen Y, Gong Q. Polluting thy neighbor: Unintended consequences of China׳ s pollution reduction mandates[J]. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2016, 76: 86-104. 简介:利用中国数据发现,在中国的环境治理与问责体系下,地方省份会倾向于将水污染行业向河流下游地区进行转移。

[120] Lipscomb M, Mobarak A M. Decentralization and pollution spillovers: evidence from the re-drawing of county borders in Brazil[J]. The Review of Economic Studies, 2016, 84(1): 464-502. 简介:利用理论和巴西数据发现,在分权体制下环境污染存在“边界效应”,污染向辖区下游边界转移。

[121] Chen Y J, Li P, Lu Y. Career concerns and multitasking local bureaucrats: Evidence of a target-based performance evaluation system in China[J]. Journal of Development Economics, 2018, 133: 84-101. 简介:利用中国2005年底对省级官员SO2减排的政绩考核体系,发现这一官员考核体系可以促进减排。

[122] Karplus V J, Zhang S, Almond D. Quantifying coal power plant responses to tighter SO2 emissions standards in China[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2018, 115(27): 7004-7009. 简介:研究了中国2014年SO2环境规制的效果,发现这一规制减少了SO2排放,但面临高强度规制的工厂可能会操控数据。

[123] Greenstone M, He G, Jia R, et al. Can Technology Solve the Principal-Agent Problem? Evidence from China's War on Air Pollution[J]. American Economic Review: Insights, 2022, 4(1): 54-70. 简介:发现中国的空气污染自动监测设备显著改善了地方政府操控污染数据的行为。

[124] Zou E Y. Unwatched pollution: The effect of intermittent monitoring on air quality[J]. American Economic Review, 2021, 111(7): 2101-26. 简介:利用美国遥感数据发现,地方会策略性应对环境监测,非监测日期污染更高。





