直播通道来啦 | 第三届环境经济学前沿论坛:资源生态与环境规制(11月18-19日)

文摘   2023-11-17 18:18   中国香港  

为关注环境经济学前沿研究,清华大学产业发展与环境治理研究中心(CIDEG)联合香港大学经济及工商管理学院举办 “第三届环境经济学前沿论坛:资源生态与环境规制”,会议邀请国内外关注环境经济学领域的前沿研究者分享最新的研究成果和进展,并进行充分的学术交流和讨论。

时间 Date


November 18-19, 2023

地点 Venue


The University of Hong Kong, Beijing Center

会议形式 Meeting Form

现场+线上直播 On-site & Online

语言 Language

*英文 English (无同传 without  simultaneous interpretation)

主办 Organizers


Center for Industrial Development and Environmental Governance, Tsinghua University


Business School, the University of Hong Kong







学 说


会议议程 Meeting Agenda


November 18, 2023 (Saturday)

上午会议Morning Session


Theme on Ecology and Environmental Health

主持人:何国俊   香港大学经管学院经济学、管理与商业策略教授, 香港大学经管学院ESG研究所所长, 香港大学中国经济研究所副所长, 芝加哥大学能源政策研究所中国中心(EPIC-China)研究主任,清华大学产业发展与环境治理中心兼职研究人员

Host: Guojun He  Professor of Economics, Management and Strategy, Director of the ESG Research Institute, Business School, University of Hongkong (HKU); Associate Director of the HKU Institute for China Economy (ICE); Research Director of the China Center of the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago (EPIC-China); Research Fellow, Center for Industrial Development and Environmental Governance, Tsinghua University

主讲发言Keynote Speech 

9:40-10:30  城市森林:环境健康的价值和风险

Urban Forests:  Environmental Health Values and Risks

发言人:邢剑炜  北京大学国家发展研究院经济学助理教授

Speaker:Jianwei Xing Assistant Professor of Economics, National School of Development, Peking University

11:00-11:50  经济生产对环境的影响:生态观测的证据

The Environmental Effects of Economic Production: Evidence from Ecological Observations

发言人:梁远宁 北京大学经济学院环境、资源与产业经济学系助理教授

Speaker:Yuanning Liang Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental, Resource, and Industrial Economics, School of Economics, Peking University

11:50-12:40  气候变化、农田土地调整和粮食安全:中国的证据

Climate Change, Cropland Adjustment, and Food Security: Evidence from China

发言人:崔潇濛  暨南大学经济与社会研究院副教授,院长助理

Speaker:Xiaomeng Cui Associate Professor, Dean Assistant, Institute for Economic and Social Research (IESR), Jinan University

下午会议  Afternoon Session


Theme on Challenges and Green Energy

主持人:赵金华  康奈尔大学戴森应用经济管理学院院长、教授

Host: Jinhua Zhao  Professor, David J. Nolan Dean at the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University

主讲发言Keynote Speech

14:00-14:50  另一次“中国冲击”?中国资本货物出口与非洲制造业增长

Another China Shock? Chinese Capital Goods Export and African Manufacturing Growth

发言人:林娅棠 香港科技大学经济学助理教授,环境与可持续发展助理教授,社会科学助理教授

Speaker:Yatang Lin  Assistant Professor of Economics, Assistant Professor of Environment and Sustainability, Assistant Professor of Social Science, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

14:50-15:40  汝之蜜糖,吾之砒霜:环境规制和利益相关者之间的利益冲突

One’s Meat Is Another’s Poison: The Environmental Regulation and the Conflict of Interest among Stakeholders

发言人:聂辉华 中国人民大学经济学院教授

Speaker:Huihua Nie Professor, School of Economics, Renmin University of China

16:10-17:00  公交车电气化增加了乘客数量、满意度和支付意愿

Bus Electrification Increases Ridership, Satisfaction, and Willingness-to-pay

发言人:Alberto Salvo 新加坡国立大学经济系副教授、系主任, 研究副主任

Speaker: Alberto Salvo Associate Professor, Dean’s Chair, Deputy Head for Research, Department of Economics, National University of Singapore

17:00-17:50  绿色能源扩张的分布影响:以中国农村屋顶和社区太阳能发电项目为证

Distributional Impacts of Green Energy Expansion: Evidence from a Rooftop and Community Solar Project in Rural China

发言人:马 榕   中国农业大学经济管理学院副教授

Speaker:Rong Ma Associate Professor, School of Economics and Management, China Agricultural University


November 19, 2023 (Sunday)


Theme on Environmental Regulation

上午会议  Morning Session

主持人:Alberto Salvo  新加坡国立大学经济系副教授、系主任, 研究副主任

Host: Alberto Salvo   Associate Professor, Dean’s Chair, Deputy Head for Research, Department of Economics, National University of Singapore

主讲发言Keynote Speech

9:30-10:20  市场势力的跨行业分布与部分行业覆盖下的环境规制

Markup Dispersion and Partial Industry Coverage of Environmental Regulation

发言人:李昊洋 上海财经大学高等研究院助教授

Speaker:Haoyang Li  Assistant Professor, Institute for Advanced Research, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

10:50-11:40  互惠性与国家能力:以中国污染减排任务为证

Reciprocity and State Capacity: Evidence from Pollution Reduction Mandates in China

发言人:张明昂  中央财经大学财政税务学院副教授

Speaker:Mingang Zhang  Associate Professor, School of Finance and Taxation, Central University of Finance and Economics

11:40-12:30  经济发展、税收与环境:中国监管权衡与企业应对的证据

Growth, Tax, and the Environment: Evidence of Regulatory Trade-offs and Firm Responses in China

发言人:朱俊明  清华大学公共管理学院副院长、长聘副教授,清华大学产业发展与环境治理中心兼职研究人员

Speaker:Junming Zhu  Associate Professor, Associate Dean of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University; Researcher, Center for Industrial Development and Environmental Governance, Tsinghua University

下午会议Afternoon Session

主持人:朱俊明   清华大学公共管理学院副院长、长聘副教授,清华大学产业发展与环境治理中心兼职研究人员

Host: Junming Zhu    Associate Professor, Associate Dean of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University; Researcher, Center for Industrial Development and Environmental Governance, Tsinghua University

主讲发言Keynote Speech 

14:00-14:50  空气污染防治:积极信息提示与关注的作用

Defending Against Air Pollution: The Role of Active Information Nudges and Attention

发言人:赵金华 康奈尔大学戴森应用经济管理学院院长、教授

Speaker:Jinhua Zhao Professor, David J. Nolan Dean at the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University

14:50-15:40  地方官员的故乡情怀与企业环境投资行为

Local Officials' Hometown Preferences and Corporate Environmental Investment Behavior

发言人:林立国 上海财经大学经济学院常任教授,高等研究院副院长

Speaker: Liguo Lin Professor (with Tenure) at the School of Economics,

Deputy Chair of the Institute for Advanced Studies, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

16:10-17:00  评估空气污染法规:区分企业竞争力与环境影响

Evaluating Air Pollution Regulation: Separating Firm Competitiveness and Ambient Effects

发言人:Brian Viard 长江商学院战略与经济学副教授,MBA 课程执行学术主任

Speaker: Brian Viard, Associate Professor of Strategy and Economics,

Executive Academic Director for MBA Program, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB)

17:00-17:50  放松信息中介的进入门槛: 来自中国环评行业的证据

Deregulating the Information Intermediaries: Evidence from China’s Environmental Impact Assessment Industry

发言人:何国俊 香港大学经管学院经济学、管理与商业策略教授, 香港大学经管学院ESG研究所所长, 香港大学中国经济研究所副所长, 芝加哥大学能源政策研究所中国中心(EPIC-China)研究主任,清华大学产业发展与环境治理中心兼职研究人员

Speaker: Guojun He Professor of Economics, Management and Strategy, Director of the ESG Research Institute, Business School, University of Hongkong (HKU); Associate Director of the HKU Institute for China Economy (ICE); Research Director of the China Center of the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago (EPIC-China); Research Fellow, Center for Industrial Development and Environmental Governance, Tsinghua University


 会议总结Summary Address


何国俊   Guojun He

香港大学经管学院经济学、管理与商业策略教授, 香港大学经管学院ESG研究所所长, 香港大学中国经济研究所副所长, 芝加哥大学能源政策研究所中国中心(EPIC-China)研究主任,清华大学产业发展与环境治理中心兼职研究人员

Professor of Economics, Management and Strategy, Director of the ESG Research Institute, Business School, University of Hongkong (HKU); Associate Director of the HKU Institute for China Economy (ICE); Research Director of the China Center of the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago (EPIC-China); Research Fellow, Center for Industrial Development and Environmental Governance, Tsinghua University

邢剑炜  Jianwei Xing


Assistant Professor of Economics,

National School of Development,

 Peking University

梁远宁   Yuanning Liang


Assistant Professor,

Department of Environmental, Resource, and Industrial Economics,

School of Economics,

Peking University

崔潇濛  Xiaomeng Cui


Associate Professor,

Dean Assistant,

Institute for Economic and Social Research (IESR),

Jinan University

赵金华  Jinhua Zhao


Professor, David J. Nolan Dean at the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management,

Cornell University

林娅棠  Yatang Lin


Assistant Professor of Economics,

Assistant Professor of Environment and Sustainability, Assistant Professor of Social Science,

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

聂辉华  Nie Huihua


Professor, School of Economics, Renmin University of China

Alberto Salvo

新加坡国立大学经济系副教授、系主任, 研究副主任

Associate Professor,

Dean’s Chair, Deputy Head for Research Department of Economics, National University of Singapore

马  榕  Rong Ma


Associate Professor,

School of Economics and Management, China Agricultural University

李昊洋  Haoyang Li


Assistant Professor,

Institute for Advanced Research, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

张明昂  Mingang Zhang


Associate Professor,

School of Finance and Taxation, Central University of Finance and Economics

朱俊明  Junming Zhu



Associate Professor , Associate Dean of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University; Research Fellow of Center for Industrial Development and Environmental Governance, Tsinghua University

林立国  Liguo Lin


Professor, School of Economics, Deputy Chair of the Institute for Advanced Studies, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

Brian Viard

长江商学院战略与经济学副教授,MBA 课程执行学术主任

Associate Professor of Strategy and Economics,

Executive Academic Director for MBA Program Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB)

陈 玲 Ling Chen 


Associate Professor, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University; Director, Center for Industrial Development and Environmental Governance,Tsinghua University

赵 静 Jing Zhao 


Associate Professor, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University; Deputy Director, Center for Industrial Development and Environmental Governance, Tsinghua University






1、活动回顾 | 第二届环境经济学前沿系列论坛:气候变化、能源与碳市场

2、活动回顾 | 环境经济学前沿研讨会  共话环境政策的成本与收益



