游戏以跨学科融合为主题,形式丰富多样且充满趣味。既有视频、PPT 等形式,又有传统的对话、转盘、抽签、解谜、问答等方式。每个游戏耗时不长,确保参与者能快速体验不同乐趣,极大地增强了活动的参与感,在收获快乐的同时,既练习了英语,又学习了语文、数学、地理等学科的知识。
辛苦的付出终究有了回报,此次活动反响颇佳。根据活动后发出的问卷统计,Mario word challenge, About Music 和 Basketball challenge 分别获得受欢迎度前三名的好成绩,学生们对此次活动也是好评连连,活动有趣,寓教于乐,奖品丰富,wonderful, interesting, fantastic, perfect等词在统计结果中频频出现。
@八年级 彭绍航
Our school's English Festival was a day filled with enthusiasm and creativity. The event was a great gathering, with students playing English dramas and singing songs
The interdisciplinarity of the festival is reflected through 16 booths, each offering an immersive English experience. This is a day where learning and fun go hand in hand, and students are exposed to language in various environments.
As the head of the prize booth, I was responsible for distributing the "Benevolence, Wisdom, Courage, Happiness" card holders, designed by students and featuring our school's sheep. These card holders were not just prizes; they were a mark of our school's goal of cultivating students and a symbol of achievement.
To claim these prizes, students had to collect twenty stamps by participating in the festival's activities. After collecting stamps, the students traded them for their well-earned rewards. The response was overwhelming, with all prizes being claimed by the end of the day.
This English Festival was more than just a language event. It made our bond tighter, spreading a sense of pride and belonging. As we look back, we cherish the memories and the lessons, and we are looking forward to the next opportunity to come together in such a meaningful way.
@八年级 阚知行
As eighth grade students, we took on the role of designing and distributing the prizes of the festival. The prizes aren’t just simple pens and erasers bought from the market, but card holders adorned with our school’s sheep cartoon image and Tang Sancai key chains which were created by our school’s Cultural Creativity Club. During this process we had a deeper understanding of how to inject more unique culture into the school activities.
During the preparation, we first received the request of designing a product for the festival. Two sixth grade students told us that they had a great idea.They handed us their design of the sheep image and we found merchants online to make the products for us. We tried our best to minimize the product costs so as to hold a low-cost yet fun festival. It was really hard, but when we thought of the happiness of our classmates receiving the prizes, we were full of energy.
However, it happened to be the greatest challenge when we finally distributed the prizes. Students gathered round the distribution station in a crowded state, making it difficult for us to give the product to everyone efficiently and correctly. Facing these challenges, we soon adjusted our methods, telling students to line up and asking teachers to help give the prizes to students. Eventually, we successfully finished our task.
In a word, this experience of designing and distributing the prizes taught us how to use a financial mind to make products and how to think of a better way to organize our classmates. I had a chance to improve my organization skills and communication skills. These are crucial abilities required in every task we may undertake as we grow up. I believe in the future, the English Festival will produce more unique ways of showing our school’s culture, making it a festival truly for students of our school.
@七年级 张茗予
@七年级 谢玲珑
@六年级 孙优然