ARDS Global definition

文摘   2024-11-10 08:30   河北  

Happy 50th birthday ARDS!

ARDS 50多年了,它是一个syndrome。

ARDS in China




它的诊断,从1992年欧美ARDS联席会议标准到之后的柏林标准,到今天的global definition,为什么要做这样的新标准?

·The diagnosis of ARDS
-Delayed or missed in two-thirds of patients
-Diagnosis missed entirely in 40% of patients
·ARDS is diagnosed
-Mild ARDS: 51%
-Severe ARDS: 79%

focus on ventilated 


Berlin Definition

“LUNG SAFE”study
·Patients with invasive or noninvasive ventilation
·The oxygenation cut-offs were associated with different mortality
·P/F ratio = Aterial blood gas analysis


New ARDS Definition was imperative

·Since 2015, HFNO has become widely used for acute respiratory failure, most recently in patients with severe COVID-19
·HFNO: routine used in ICU

更何况这些年我们越来越多的high flow使用,尤其术后有免疫功能低下的病人,新冠病人就用的更多了。而high flow病人在用的时候,有PEEP吗?血气好像也不太好查,尤其在疫情期间。


Evolving definition of ARDS

If a"Better"Definition Is the Answer, What Is the Question?



Conceptual model

Key point 1

·ARDS is an acute diffuse, inflammatory lung injury precipitated by a predisposing risk factor such as pneumonia, non-pulmonary infection, trauma, transfusion, burn,aspiration, or shock

·The resulting injury leads to increased pulmonary vascular and epithelial permeability, lung edema, and gravity dependent atelectasis, all of which contribute to loss of aerated lung tissue

-increased lung weight"is no longer included because of limited feasibility of measurement"

·The clinical hallmarks are arterial hypoxemia and diffuse radiographic  opacities  associated  with  increased  shunting , increased alveolar dead space, and decreased lung compliance

-the concept of venous admixture is replaced by increased shunting and increased ratio of physiologic to alveolar dead space

·The clinical presentation is influenced by medical management (position, sedation,paralysis, and fluid balance)

·Histological findings vary and may include intra-alveolar edema, inflammation, hyaline membrane formation, and alveolar hemorrhage

-Not all patients with clinical ARDS have histological findings of diffuse alveolar damage

-it is rare to obtain lung biopsies in patients with ARDS

HFNO ≥30L/min

Key point 2

Timing of Intubation and Clinical Outcomes in Adults With Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

·Intubated and non-intubated patients with ARDS defined by Acute hypoxemia (P/F≤300 or S/F≤315)

·Bilateral radiographic opacities not explained by cardiac failure

·In 457 patients, 106 (23%) were not intubated at the time of meeting all other ARDS criteria

·Late Intubation >1 day

Early Identification of Acute Respiratory Distress Disorder in the Absence of Positive Pressure Ventilation: Implications for Revision of the Berlin Criteria for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

127 patients
·bilateral pulmonary infiltrates
·P/F≤ 300mm Hg under standard oxygen 1 hour after NIV,87% patients kept P/F  300mm Hg

Mechanical ventilation might not be mandatory for patients with ARDS according to the Berlin definition

HFNO generate PEEP for ARDS diagnosis

High flow nasal oxygen generates positive airway pressure in adult volunteers

NIV (PEEP≥5 cmH2O):69

Broadening the ARDS definition to include patients on HFNO with P/F≤300mmHg identify patients at earlier stages of disease

Do we really need PEEP for ARDS diagnosis?PEEP>=5cmH2O

Diagnosis of ARDS in patients on HFNO may allow identification of patients at an earlier stage of ARDS

我们用high flow在30L或者40L代替PEEP,似乎临床是可以接受的,至少让病人能够得到早期诊断过度诊断的人并不特别多,而且结局可能是好的。


with SpO2≤97%

Key point 3

·S/F have been validated for diagnosis and management of ARDS

·Many evidences support the use of pulse oximetry-based measurements in the ARDS studies


Panel: Advantages and disadvantages of SpO2 measurements in ARDS

·Continuously available
·Highly sensitive for hypoxaemia
·Easily interpretable
·Non-invasive, no risk of procedural complications
·More readily available than PaO2 in resource-limited settings

·Measurement error can be increased by conditions commonly seen in the intensive care unit, such as poor
·perfusion and vasopressor use, severe hypoxaemia, or acidaemia
·Potential for reduced accuracy in patients with darker skin pigmentation
·Potential for misclassification of diagnosis or severity in ARDS

SpO2/FiO2 For P/F

·Database from ARDSnet
·Patients with SpO2<97%
·Relationship between S/F and P/F

The derivation data set(2,613 measurements)
·S/F=64+0.84XP/F [p<0.0001;r=0.89]
·S/F 235=P/F 200
·S/F 315=P/F 300
The validation database(2,031 measurements)
·S/F 315 =P/F 300, 85% sensitivity with 85% specificity
·S/F 235 = P/F 200, 91% sensitivity with 56% specificity

·S/F correlate with P/F
·S/F 235 and 315 correlate with P/F 200 and 300, respectively,for diagnosing and following up patients with ALI and ARDS

·SpO2 is also a good predictor of PaO2 up to saturation values of 97%

·S/F correctly classify severity rather than exactly predict PaO2 from SpO2

lung ultrasound for the 

detectionof bilateral

 opacities Improve 

the Radiographic 

Diagnosis of ARDS

Key point 4

Proportion of correct answers by study group: primary analysis and sensitivity analysis

·Ultrasound has good diagnosis accuracy for alveolar filling and consolidated lung in patients with ARDS by using bilateral worsening or loss of lung aeration defined by≥ 3B line per image between two ribs and /or consolidations
·More available but operating characteristics less well known and requires training in image acquisition

·To develop and validate a data-driven LUS score for diagnosis of ARDS using a diagnosis by an expert panel as the gold standard
·453 patients admitted to ICU and expected to be invasively ventilated ≥ 24h
-324 in the derivation cohort
-129 in the validation cohort

LUS-ARDS score is equally accurate for ARDS diagnosis as currently available methods


New definitions of ARDS LUS on the occurrence rate

·A post hoc analysis
·116 pats with any opacity on chest radiography but no ARDS according to the Berlin definition
·Abnormalities on LUS (B or C pattern, or posterior consolidation)
·Outcome: the occurrence rate of ARDS

·LUS detected bilateral abnormalities more often than chest radiography (86.2% vs 60.3%;p<0.001)
·28.4% with only unilateral opacities on chest radiography had bilateral abnormalities on LUS
·2.6% with bilateral opacities on chest radiography had only unilateral abnormalities on LUS

·33 (28.4%) pats had bilateral abnormalities on LUS and unilateral opacities on CRX
·12(10%) pats were ARDS using the new global definition

Resource-limited setting

Key point 5

·Screen every adult patient for hypoxia at a public referral hospital in Rwanda for six weeks

·Using Berlin criteria, no patients would have met criteria for ARDS

·Objectives: To estimate the incidence and outcomes of ARDS at a Rwandan referral hospital using the Kigali modification of the Berlin definition

-Without requirement for PEEP

-Without ABG, hypoxia cutoff of SpO2 /FIO2< 315

-With bilateral opacities on lung ultrasound or chest radiograph

·Forty-two (4.0%) of 1046 hospital admissions met criteria for ARDS
·Only 30.9% ARDS pats: admited to an ICU
·Hospital mortality 50.0%
·Using Berlin criteria, no patients would have met criteria for ARDS

Modified ARDS criteria: Kagali criteria

Primary Recommendations for the Global Definition of ARDS


The new criteria of ARDS reduced the severity of illness

·A retrospective cohort, including 3 databases
·4279 pats meeting the Berlin criteria
·4838 pats meeting new global definition


ARDS vs. syndrome

·ARDS concenpt: it is time to change

·PEEP: Not only MV/NIV, but also HFNO >30L/min

·P/F: S/F when SpO2 <97%

·Pul infiltration: Not only chest X-ray or CT, but also Ultra-sound

·Resource-limited setting: PEEP and ABG--NOT necessary

Critical care and ICU 


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