《欧洲诗人》2023年下半年刊域外名家:王令怡 叶晗
2024-01-05 17:34
Río Yangtze • maestros fuera de la región europeaWang Lingyi, also known as Xingfu, and with the English name Symphony, is a singer, songwriter, poet. She graduated from Beijing Foreign Studies University. She is a bilingual poet at the Vermont Studio Center and an advisor to the International Association for Education and Therapy Through Art (IAETDAA),a singer-songwriter of Beijing Hua Yue New Power Cultural Communication Co., Ltd.She is a member of the Chinese Musicians Association Popular Music Society, the Chinese Poetry Society, and a professional member of the International Expressive Arts Therapy Association. She is a naturalist and resident artist at the Qian Dao Lake Resort in Hangzhou, as well as an artist in residence at the Shangyuan Art Museum in Beijing as part of their "International Creation Program." She has authored the Chinese poetry collection "Hawthorn Blossoms Under the Moonlight" (published by Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House) and the Chinese-English poetry anthology "Prophecy From The Wind" (published by Huaxia Literature and Art Publishing House). Her poetry collections are preserved in national institutions such as the National Library of China, the Chinese Modern Literature Museum, as well as libraries at Peking University and Fudan University. 王令怡,又名杏福,英文名Symphony。歌手,词曲创作人,诗人。毕业于北京外国语大学。美国弗蒙特艺术中心(Vermont Studio Center)双语诗人,国际艺术育疗发展学会(IAETDAA)创始人,北京华乐新势力签约唱作人。中国音乐家协会流行音乐学会会员,中国诗歌学会会员,国际表达性艺术治疗协会专业会员。杭州千岛湖鲁能度假胜地自然与驻场艺术家,北京上苑艺术馆“国际创作计划”驻馆艺术家。著有中文诗集《月光下的山楂花》(长江文艺出版社)、中英文诗选《Prophecy From The Wind》(华夏文艺出版社)。诗集被中国国家图书馆、中国现代文学馆、北京大学图书馆、复旦大学图书馆等国家机构以及高校图书馆收藏。原创歌曲包括但不限于:《Because of your light》《A Paradise Song》,交响曲《Dive》,即兴钢琴组曲《在遗忘的时光里玩耍》、《当海风散去》、《每当我看着天空》等等。Thought of Nothing at AllIn the evening after the rain,Sparrows, crickets ,cicadas,——And a corridor blessed by the setting sun.My heart sinks into the fading gold,——A place that summer once kissed.Is rising from the adjacent roof.I think of nothing at all.Two bugs whose names I don't knowFlew from the roof and landed at my feet.To find out whether in future days with unpredictable weather ,There will be more joy hiding Than in the previous rainy ones.When it was getting dark,I just looked at the cloud.I thought of nothing at all.Love and Freedom Deep Within MeI chase after the wind beside the sea.Waves, kissing and dancing around,Know the memories of yesterday,Where the glittering past dwells deeply.I run after the blue tideBeneath the moon light, andBreathe in the fragrance of the sea,With the first breath of the Creator,And is now smoothing my soulWith the deep longing of the sea.Humming an endless melody,The soft sea wind caresses my hair,As if she had a dream though lingering long in despair,Yet had already been melted into theDistant heart of the sea.I run and run after the moonlightCareless of my skirt kissedBy the waves whispering their fading dream.What a beautiful evening,When footsteps printed upon the sand,Are but a proof of freedom and love I shall say farewell to the past.I shall sing a tune for tomorrow’s dream.All is gone with the wave of the last,Yet all is but a proof of love and freedomI don't know where you're from,All I know is your name is Red Luan Stone.I don't know whether your steps are slow or fast,Only that it used to wander alone.Gently I call you to my window,——Let‘s leave a crack in the dreams.Let’s ride on the clouds, and dig a well of water from their wings.Let‘s call the distant fragrance a new name,For it once knew my story.Let‘s call the distant wind a new name,For it once understood me.Let’s call the distant unknown land a new name,For it is where my heart belongs.Let's call the step in the next minute a new name,For it will take us to the far future as I know.To give every minute and every second of life a new name.Will always look into the distant unknown lands.Alejandro Lora, oriundo de Rionegro (Colombia), es estudiante de doctorado en la facultad de Lengua y Literatura China de la Universidad de Beijing. Actualmente investiga lenguas minoritarias (lengua wayuu de Colombia y participa en la investigación de lenguas minoritarias de Yunnan de parte de su facultad) traducción y su aplicación en IA. Es un lector ávido de poesía, donde encuentra un universo que permite la expresión de una infinidad de ideas y sentimientos en un espacio limitado.Es también editor de Poetas Europeos, su pasión por la lengua y la literatura china lo ha llevado a entrar en contacto con varios poetas contemporáneos.叶晗, 哥伦比亚里奥内格罗人,是北京大学中国语言文学系的博士生。他目前研究一些少数民族语言(哥伦比亚瓦尤语、参加北京大学中文系调研中国云南的少数民族语言)、翻译及其在人工智能的应用。他热爱阅读诗歌,期望在诗歌中遇到一个可以在有限的空间中表达无限思想、情感的世界。《欧洲诗人》的西班牙语主编,对中国到的语言和文学的热情使得他有幸遇见到了多位当代诗人朋友。Cuando el silencio habla y las palabras callanEntre lápiz y papel, entre dos mundos. Cuando las melodías juegan contigo Entre ideas y esperanzas perdidas. Estás ahí cuando el sueño anda despierto y cuando el sueño duermeEntre risas y llantos, entre el día y la nocheEntre la cuna del delirio y la tumba de la realidadPoema a la luna del medio otoñoLa Luna y la semejan algunas de tus fasesTu semblante nos llena de sempiterno asombro Nos colmas hoy de tu fulgor, bella dama de oro Y dicen los sabios que un conejo escondes Que en tus entrañas a la dama de Yi albergas Que a quienes mil millas los separan congregas Oh familias, demos entonces comienzo al festín Compartamos por un instante la alegría sin finDéjame acompañarte para acompañarmeEncontrarnos de los dos fue suerte为适应欧洲读者,《欧洲诗人》2022年开始改为半年刊,采用双语发表。常设栏目有头条诗人板块分大西洋(欧洲头条诗人)/黄河(域外头条诗人),名家板块分地中海(欧洲诗人名家)/长江(域外诗人名家),短歌板块分波罗的海(欧洲实力诗人)/洞庭(域外实力诗人),诗群巡展板块以诗群所在当地河流命名。本刊欢迎东西方诗人投稿(中文诗歌需自带专业外语翻译或委托编辑部翻译,谢绝自动翻译软件作品),各方诗歌研究机构指导协办,以及企业家的广告赞助。原则上,不采用同一名诗人连续上刊,所以请上期已经上刊的诗友不要重复投稿。顾问 杨克 (中) Soledad Pérez-Abadín Barro (西)谭五昌(中) 庄伟杰(澳)
总编 Pilar González España(西)
编委 Angel. XJ(英), David(西), 梦娜(荷), 昔月(德), 惠农(挪), 穆紫荆(德), 王献翠 (西),阿疆(中)