
文摘   2024-11-11 18:43   四川  


"Double 11," known as China's version of "Black Friday" has arrived! Even international shoppers eager to try their luck. So, how can you snag the best deals on Chinese E-commerce platforms?

Ava, a medical student from Sri Lanka studying at Sichuan University, has lived in China for four years and loves shopping. In this episode, we’ve invited Ava to share practical tips for foreigners, covering topics like types of Chinese shopping apps, platform promotion strategies, and international shipping options, all to help foreign friends get the best products at the lowest prices! This episode is packed with smart online shopping tips that can help you save big.


In each episode of the “PandaGuide” program, we will invite foreigners living in China to introduce China’s scenery and culture to the audience through their personal experiences. This program aims to provide global tourists with the latest, most comprehensive, and most convenient information on Chinese life. Stay tuned for the latest updates from our program!

—E N D—

制片人:李鹏 钟莉;本期监制:李旭 黄骏;栏目统筹:庞琪 邓翔沣;编导:韩雨汐 郑松;视频:雷露 周菁岚

