
文摘   2024-12-15 08:08   天津  
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第一作者:Céline Passignat

通讯作者:Laetitia Minguez




舍曲林是最广泛使用的抗抑郁药之一,在世界各地的河流中都有发现,因此引起了人们对其生态毒理学的关注。然而,人们对其在淡水双壳类动物体内的药代动力学和药效学还缺乏了解。比较生物学有助于了解和提高我们评估各种物种生态毒理学风险的能力。本研究调查了舍曲林在两种淡水双壳类动物 Dreissena polymorpha(斑马贻贝,ZM)和 Dreissena rostriformis bugensis(夸加贻贝,QM)体内基于动力学的生物富集和净化,以及 (2) 其生物效应取决于暴露时间和频率。对与已知舍曲林对人体副作用有关的几种生物标志物进行了跟踪。结果显示,QM 的体内负荷高于 ZM。暴露 5 天后仍未达到稳定阶段。双壳贝类无法在 5 天内将舍曲林在洁净水中分解。研究结果证明,环境相关浓度的舍曲林可以干扰双壳贝类的生理机能,但干扰方式不同。发现QM比ZM对舍曲林更敏感,会出现氧化应激和脂质紊乱。间歇性接触也会导致这两个物种发生生化变化,需要进一步研究。



为了填补知识空白,我们使用了两种淡水双壳类动物:斑马贻贝(Dreissena polymorpha,ZM)和喙贻贝(Dreissena rostriformis bugensis,QM)。斑马贻贝在法国河流中生长良好,已成为公认的生物指标,常用于环境监测。然而,对于斑马贻贝,人们对其如何应对环境压力因素知之甚少,而斑马贻贝最近对西欧生态系统的入侵导致其在底栖生物种群中过度生长。在一个物种逐渐取代另一个物种的情况下,对这两个物种的生物累积和应激反应的种间变异性进行评估尤为合理,而且生物监测是建立在完善的哨点物种基础上的。因此,我们的研究目标是:(1) 调查两个海鞘物种对舍曲林的动力学生物富集和净化作用;(2) 确定这些物种对舍曲林的反应如何取决于暴露时间和频率。清洁期"(即暴露于未受污染的水域)对舍曲林的消除和生物体从此类污染物中恢复的影响,可以为规划使用双壳类动物的生物监测计划提供有用信息。这也有助于识别潜在的停药综合症,正如在明显减少抗抑郁治疗的约 20% 抑郁症患者身上观察到的那样。长期使用舍曲林治疗会导致某些机体对血清素水平产生依赖,从而在停止治疗后引发不良反应。



Fig. 1Experimental design for the short and long-term experiments (Experiment 1 and 2, respectively). Beakers of 200 mL, each containing two mussels were used during Experiment 1, whereas it was 500-mL beakers with five mussels during Experiment 2. Mussels used for sertraline quantification in tissues are shown with 3 shades of green (3 pools of 2 mussels), for biomarker analyses in brown and for the study of digestive lysosomal system morphology in dark blue.

Fig. 2Bioconcentration kinetics of sertraline by zebra mussels (ZM) and quagga mussels (QM). Organisms were exposed to 500 ng sertraline L−1 the first 5 days followed by a depuration phase in clean water (n = 3 pools of 2 mussels/time point for each species). The lines represent the best model fit on the net bioaccumulation.

Fig. 3(A) Star plot of the integrated biomarker response (IBR) of zebra mussels (ZM) and quagga mussels (QM) at t0 (i.e. basal physiological attributes) (n = 8 individuals per species); (B) Principal component analysis (PCA) of biomarker analyses in both species exposed or not to sertraline during two days (n = 8 individuals per species). Creat.: creatinine, ETS: electron transport system, GST: glutathione-S-transferase, LDH: lactate dehydrogenase, LOOH: lipid hydroperoxide, SOD: superoxide dismutase, Trigly.: triglycerides, TAC: total antioxidant capacity.

Fig. 4(A) Kaplan-Meier survival curves of quagga mussels after exposure to 500 ng L−1 sertraline through continuous (SERc, solid grey line) or intermittent exposure (SERint, dashed grey line); (B) Effect size estimates in Hedge’s g (with 95 % CI) of biomarkers between sertraline-exposed and unexposed quagga mussels, after 16 days of exposure. Red lines: significant effects of sertraline exposure compared to unexposed group.

Fig. 5(A) Kaplan-Meier survival curves of zebra mussels after exposure to 500 ng L−1 sertraline through continuous (SERc, solid grey line) or intermittent exposure (SERint, dashed grey line); (B) Effect size estimates in Hedge’s g (with 95 % CI) of biomarkers between sertraline-exposed and unexposed quagga mussels, after 16 days (blue symbols) and 23 days (orange symbols) of exposure. Red lines: significant effects of sertraline exposure.

Fig. 6Structural changes of lysosomal digestive system in quagga mussels (QM) and zebra mussels (ZM) unexposed (Ctrl) or exposed continuously (SERc) or intermittently (SERint) to 0.5 µg L−1 sertraline during 16 or 23 days. Surface to volume ratio is interpreted as the inverse of lysosome size. Box plots show median values, quartiles (hinges), whiskers (1.5 × interquartile range), and outliers (dots). Stars indicate significant differences between groups (Wilcoxon’s test, p < 0.05).


本研究试图调查两种系统发育接近的双壳贝类(D. polymorpha或ZM和D. r. bugensis或QM)在面对舍曲林胁迫时的生物富集和净化能力以及生理特性的种间差异。我们的研究结果表明,在暴露于一定的环境浓度后,舍曲林会在双壳类组织中缓慢但大量地积累。两种双壳贝类的基础生理特性不同,它们对舍曲林的反应也不同,QM 的反应强于 ZM。抗抑郁药对暴露生物造成了明显的损害(氧化状态和线粒体特性发生了显著改变)。间歇性接触也导致这两种生物发生生化变化,需要进一步研究。


Céline Passignat, Justine Flayac, Romane Lerebourg, Laetitia Minguez, Differential bioconcentration and sensitivity of Dreissena polymorpha and Dreissena rostriformis bugensis to the antidepressant sertraline, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2025, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2024.136628






